Friday, July 18, 2008


No decision for Anthem on water, sewer rate hike…Ron Sanzone…The Arizona Republic…May. 30, 2008 12:00 AM
A rate case that would affect the water and sewer rates paid by nearly 9,000 Anthem residents ended Thursday without a final verdict.The Arizona Corporation Commission is deciding whether to approve, modify or not approve an order by administrative law judge Teena Wolfe that would allow Arizona-American Water Co. to raise the average residential Anthem water bill by 66 percent and the average wastewater bill by 24.6 percent. The 2-year-old rate case will require at least one more week for a final resolution.

Truly the grass can be greener when you’re part of one of the largest multinational for profit water and wastewater corporations in the world . . . Arizona-American Water . . . now that’s a name you should be at least in passing familiar with. I believe they are mentioned rather frequently when contaminated water flowed from them to their residential clients in PV not that long ago.

Were I making “book” in Vegas you really think this corporate controlled ACC (Az Corp Com) will defy and resist these increases this giant corporation wants. I suspect though they asked for 66 and 24 they’ll settle for a bit less in an attempt to show they’re really not that greedy after all.

What should be of interest to us all is this is the trend we see where purveyors of water, wastewater and electric too whether public or private ask for huge increases in rates knowing well in advance they’ll settle in the end for less and we in turn believe those on this Az. Corporation Commission are serving and protecting us…?

You really think…?



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