Friday, July 18, 2008


“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

Albert Einstein

Creating a Backyard Oasis in Desert Drought
Las Vegas Gambles on Desert Landscaping to Save Water
March 25, 2008 —
Las Vegas is the home of high-rollers and the glittering strip, but it's also home to 2 million average residents. Since 1990, the city's population has doubled.
A shrinking water supply combined with the growing population is one of the most pressing issues facing the desert community. The water shortage is reaching crisis proportions as a historic drought strangles the region's main water source, the Colorado River.
The river collects at Lake Mead, where the water level has dropped 100 feet in eight years  that's 5 trillion gallons of water gone.
Until recently, water conservation was not a priority in the fast-growing city.
Forced to take drastic steps to conserve its tightening water supply, Las Vegas officials declared lawns public enemy No. 1.
But in Las Vegas, money talks, so homeowners and businesses are being lured to this new landscaping with cold, hard cash.
The Southern Nevada Water Authority is paying $1.50 a square foot to rip out lawns and replace them with the new desert-friendly variety.
Over 100 million square feet of turf has been converted through the program, saving 7 billion gallons of water.

A Perspective for your consideration . . .

The action being taking by Las Vegas in the face of an enduring area wide drought and dwindling water supply stand in rather stark contrast to the position of Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano which is painfully reminiscent of the… what me worry … posture of Mad’s Alfred E. Newman.

While the action being taken by Las Vegas may well not be the end all cure all, it is at least an attempt to initiate in an understandable manner the value of water conservation.

I am patiently awaiting an understandable water position from our Governor, save her ADWR – “magic” – 100 year assured water supply certificate…?



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