A perspective for your consideration . . . ?Having been born and raised in the “West” I am familiar with not only the uses but also the sometimes ugly consequences use of barbwire brings even unintentionally.
It seems to be an American passion to go somewhere “new” for us and upon arriving choose to summarily close the door to others who might also choose to settle there.
We also have need to clearly delineate what is ours to fence it off so other shall trespass not.
Water like the land has no beginning or end, it just is. We though have need to clearly separate what we choose to believe is ours from what they believe is theirs. At what point in time, in the evolution of man, are “we” – that’s you and me – honestly able to discern water like the land and ‘us” are but one. These separations we artificially make with lines upon paper defining ownership of land, technological tools used to measure water’s use are contrived meaningless and over time unsustainable.
Many minds far wiser than mine haven written – water – the “new” – Oil - it is and were we permitted clear vision as we look into a crystal-ball how true that statement would appear. As it is inescapable the monetary value of water is today and will become even far greater tomorrow and thereafter, we see water as being granted in chunks, divisible, segmented which when one chooses an awareness beyond the limit of his ego is simply untrue.
What “we” – that’s you and me – do to water in every form it appears, endures. I know for some, perhaps many, that’s a far too esoteric statement for you to contemplate. That modern science has successfully demonstrated the validity of this statement on numerous occasions and conditions that the impurities contaminated ingredients, including our human greed and negativity, is measured still when this same water is diluted more than 9 different times. For me this suggests memory water indeed does possess. So might what “we” allow ourselves and other to inflict upon all forms of water before it reaches us have a profound impact upon our health. And in turn might what we subject water to, sewage treatment plants, manufacture of computer chips, industrial agriculture with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, medical waste, nuclear power plant reject water, to itemize but a few, negatively impact the health of those who receive this water from us…?
Mark well this time, this place as the War over Water has just begun. There could well be no victors as this war progresses, the “spoils” the victors seek may bring but certain death. Too apocalyptic for you, that’s OK, I’ve no need to make me right and you wrong. I would choose that any and all discussions we have about water be conducted only in an atmosphere where truth and full disclosure dwelled…? Do you know where we can find such a place….?
Looking for a solution…? The war we will and are raging over water could well be short or it could well be long. It is certain it seems to me those seeking victory will stop at nothing exercising exerting control even brutally increasing private coffers being the sole measure of success.
Like so many of the questions we face today the solution to these dilemmas water creates is staring us squarely in the face when into the mirror we choose to look.
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