This is but yet again another quintessential David vs. Goliath battle but in this case the odds against David are even greater. David – that’s all Arizona citizens – do not have a snowball’s chance in Hell against the behemoth moneyed $$$ developers, utilities, etc. all aligned to once again rob from the poor to give to the rich.
Does any rational Arizona citizen believe this group promoting this new transit tax will provide to Arizona citizens an honest assessment of the current and projected transportation needs for all of Arizona…? Because if you do, I have that ocean front property in Arizona for sale which George Strait sang about.
Looking for a solution…? I am certainly not a transportation expert. It strikes me that merely adding more asphalt highway does not our overall transportation needs honestly assess. Moreover increased asphalt only adds to creating a greater “heat sink” especially in the metro Phoenix area. This increased “heat sink” adds to APS and SRP bottom lines. Oh, by the way, they both support this transit tax, wonder why…?
If it is our desire to create a “public” transportation aspect to getting people around, we might start by having everyone involved on the front end of these discussions and not permitting behind closed door deals. “We” – that’s you and me – do not really know what a viable form of public transportation looks like, therefore, we will always defer to increased asphalt highways. One need only honestly look at the shoddy bus transportation provided thorough the valley and our state. Why would anyone choose this option as they can't get to where they actually need or want to go. Yes – efficient and viable public transportation has a cost but we’ll never know because they don’t want public transportation to be efficient or viable and we’re too lazy to turn off our TV and demand full complete disclosure and honest answers from all public and/or private engineers, politicians and TV talking heads.
You really want a transportation system that works efficiently and is viable then I/you/me/us need to turn off that TV, refrain from going to the bar after work, get involved, ask questions, ask questions and keep asking the same questions until “we” get fully disclosed honest answers. Or just shut up and take what they provide.
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