Friday, July 18, 2008


This is a portion of the Editorial from the Arizona Republic – Wednesday, 6-11-08, issue which for me clearly depicts America’s need to brand, label, classify and conjugate everything putting it into neat, tidy packages readily available for easy distribution.

To enable you to have some perspective about the author of this writing, I am Caucasian male, 65 years of age.

I need to own, I find it interesting the editorial board at this newspaper choose to describe the instruction provided in the TUSD ‘Raza studies’ to be … “but it is a twisted version of that honest, optimistic vision of society that has taken hold at TUSD, a version that urges students to view their own society as one of oppression and victimization” … apparently only if the education message and opinion offered meet a standard established by the editorial board of the Arizona Republic can it be declared to be honest.

There are I remind the editorial board at this newspaper many Americans who have expressed and believe our action in Iraq, for example, is but an overt expression of American hubris and oppression coupled with victimization. Does that then quality those holding such position to be labeled, branded as “un-American”…?

Education it seems to me to be that last vestige where - ALL- ideas are allowed to be expressed, championed, discussed and digested. What is it about the ‘Raza’ information which the Arizona Republic wants to stifle, bury, cloud and have presented only in a form acceptable to them…?

Is “white” America so utterly blind that “we” can not see, nor will “we” allow to be presented concepts which paint the overt action of predominately “white” America as racist…? Is “white” America not able to say, yea, racism was practiced in our county, might it still be…? Is “white” America unwilling to own “we” allowed genocide and the annihilation of most all indigenous peoples in America…?

Though it may not be comforting, might “white” America own and admit to the fact, though “we” conquered Mexico and usurped territories once part of their sovereign, the Mexican people and their culture endure especially in vast portions of the southwest United States, including Arizona…?

What is it that the editorial board of the Arizona Republic really fears…?

Frankly what scares me is our robotic acceptance of positions like this editorial as the only expressions of truth.



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