Friday, July 18, 2008

many straws in the same bottle of water

Lake Powell Pipeline: Will there be any water to pump? Critics of 139-mile line bring up questions of climate change, noting that supply may dry up By Mark Havnes Salt Lake Tribune Article Last Updated:04/01/2008 01:18:19 AM MDTKANAB – EXERCEPTED ….. Carolee Woods has a key question about the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline that would snake across southern Utah: Will there be any water to pump? The Kane County landowner was one of 60 people who turned out Monday night to a public information meeting at the Kanab Library sponsored by the state Division of Water Resources. "I just wonder if they can provide the water," said Woods of the proposed pipeline. "With Lake Mead possibly being a pond and climate change affecting the Green River, I wonder about problems with water [supply] and if enough is being done with conservation." She is one of more than 800 property owners who may be impacted by the project that proposes a 139-mile pipeline to supply three southern Utah counties with 100,000 acre feet of water from Lake Powell to meet future needs. The state has applied to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to be the lead agency in approving the project, which would include several hydroelectric generating stations along the pipeline Under the proposal, Washington County will receive 70,000 acre feet of water, with Kane County getting 10,000 acre feet and 20,000 acre feet being pumped uphill to Iron County.

Reading this bear in mind that Arizona has JUNIOR rights to Colorado River water, so “we” come after this water has been removed.

How many straws can “we” stick into the same bottle (Lake Powell) and not expect it to run dry especially when it is in the mist of a prolong and protracted regional drought…?

At some point in time “we” might choose to actually assess the long term viability of the amount of water that will actually be available to us in Arizona, not merely taking the word of politicians owned (bought and paid for) by the developer community.

Where’s this “magic” water going to come from to support the economic of unrestricted growth…? And how “safe” do you honestly feel it is to your health…?



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