Thursday, July 31, 2008

when citizens ask for government regulators to intervene

Perspective for your consideration…

When citizens ask for government regulators to intervene in their behalf, what happens.., surprise … nothing … just more endless talk …

Item # 1 …Pecan Creek residents and Johnson Utilities Co. VP share their views on the recent untreated sewage flow into the city streets and nearby Queen Creek Wash. 6/17/2008 … VIDEO …

Item # 2 … Johnson Utility wants Queen Creek to remove warning from Web … Tribune... Sarah J. Boggan ….

I have spent the better part of the last 30 years installing and servicing sewage pumping facilities like those described in the video referenced in item #1. In a word the position espoused by Johnson Utilities is – bull shit – it’s nothing more than a cop-out for poor or non existent maintenance on sewage pumping equipment. What I find interesting and which to date remains off the radar screen of most consulting engineers, government regulators and designers is the time when any sewage pumping facility is most vulnerable to problems is during the build out stages of any subdivision or project. Historically this is the time when these types of facilities are susceptible to finding a literal mosaic of debris entering the sewer system. During this build out stage is when mop heads plumbing tabs, screwdrivers, rails, screws, paint, i.e., building materials mysteriously find their way into the waste stream all the while every craft of the site claiming it’s not them.

The problems and issues related to ownership of any form of storm or sewage pumping apparatus is not limited nor does it end at build-out, as the “make-up” of the project contributes significantly to the type and extent of problems they will face. Those pumping facilities located in projects where the preponderance of folks are older, do not face to the extent the issue of diapers, toys and items normally associated with homes with children of all ages. Those pumping facilities located in projects with higher than average females most generally find a significantly higher proportion of feminine hygiene products which can become the bane to the operator of any facility.

Over time one learns to rather easily discern the composition of the folks making up those whose sewage flows into a particular pumping site. Very real and distinctive tell-tale signs exist. Driving through a neighbor gives me a sense of what the composition of any area is and what they might expect.

Ownership of any form of sewage pumping apparatus, whether residential, commercial, municipal or industrial, is an undertaking of a never ending long term commitment and obligation that can not forever be forgotten. Forgotten when it does raise its head – as it must inevitably do – it will be ugly and costly too.

Those whose property require the installation of any form of storm or sewage pumping facility assume a responsibility which in part requires they operate and maintain these devices so as NOT to create for you and me any form of health hazard. But, you know what, we do not have any “teeth” or enforcement mechanism or other punitive measure in rule or law which are reliable and viable. And, that was done consciously and by choice, you see your ADEQ operates to protect them, not you. And this tacit protection extends to all homeowner’s, too, as we don’t care if they pollute the very water you and I will drink tomorrow, if not today.

… “to serve, to protect” … is a mantra we should by now have learned is a responsibility we must take for our own.



The Valley & State section of the Arizona Republic – 7-31-08 – carries a featured article … ARIZ ENDS HEALTH PLAN FOR DISABLED …

The message sent by our esteemed Arizona Governor and the 90 mental midgets fallaciously calling themselves “servants” of and for the people is … you can’t trust us … you, the little people, are NOT important, YOU don’t count, what counts is $$$ and frankly you don’t have it.

Equally the ultimate accountability and responsibility falls squarely on our shoulders as “we” can throw these rascals out at any time. We have that power and moreover we have that responsibility. Today its “them” the poor, the disabled who are being lied to, tomorrow it may well be you and/or me. Who then rides to rescue you or me…?

Janet and the 90 mental midgets can always find $$$ to fund and support those venues which always somehow link back to support them. Interesting how that works.

Hey, it’s only 250 of our fellow Arizona citizens who we by our collective callousness condemned to death. Live with it. Pray to God you or I do not become disabled in Arizona as you are summarily tossed like yesterday’s trash.

Janet, this is your legacy.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

be afraid, be very afraid

The above the fold headline line in the Thursday – 7-17-08 – issue of The Arizona Republic headline – JUNE INFLATION FIGURES STARTLING - serves the politicians and corporate stakeholder’s agenda adding fuel to fan the flames to have you and me – be afraid, be very afraid.

Have any of us made the time to stop for a few moments and quietly reflect upon how we have been manipulated to react since that fateful day of Sept. 11th….? We have been deliberately manipulated and hammered with artificially manufactured “fear” one after another. This is not a discussion into your choice as to whether or not our government, and therefore us, had any calculability into either the events leading to 9/ll or its staging. That’s ancient history. The reality we face as a result of this deliberate manufacturing of “press releases” dutifully reported to us as “facts” by now government minions, once known as the free press, is to promote fear in every form.

A day does not go by when we are not bombarded with some new allegation of misuse, mistreatment, misappropriation, misdirected, misguided and/or malfeasance designed to keep us on the edge of our seat worried concerned, confused and totally distrustful in our own personal sovereignty and wisdom.

FDR stated it well when he noted … “only thing we have to fear is fear itself” … And as corporate America has learned in the last seven years, selling fear is extremely lucrative and highly profitable.

At one time we educated our youth exposing them to the challenges as well as the opportunities to which the early settlers of our nation were exposed. They met those challenges and used those opportunities to establish a nation once with unparallel natural resources and bounty. That we have essentially squandered it is another topic. My father’s generation met head on the Great Depression and as a nation we survived and learned and from that attempted to devise social mechanisms for the benefit of all. Today those once viable social mechanisms have been repealed, revamped, remodeled, relabeled and redesigned to feed the economic capitalist machine of a select few at the expense of the many. The few gorging themselves feeding leisurely at an unlimited trough, made possible by the efforts of many, while the many have little or nothing breeds not only fear but leads to hate.

Overcoming fear is an inside personal job one that others can enhance and/or assist to the extent of offering when appropriate a helping hand, an encouraging word, a smile, a pat on the back, reaching out to help one up when they fall and being ever vigilant and truthful in one’s word. It’s easy to give into fear, as I have on occasion done in my life, perhaps so have you. Despondent we become, remorseful, easily lead astray as we’ve given up listening to our inner “whisper voice” resonating what is truthful to us, if we but make the time to listen. That revolution, I spoke about at other times, is now, is here. The revolution begins within you and me as we individually and collectively throw off all the unfounded artificial manufactured fear we’ve been instructed to believe and endorse It’s up to each of us it’s a choice we each must make. And make alone.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008


In a number of cultures around our world – Governor Janet Napolitano - you would be considered to speak with forked tongue – what words from you can we trust…?


You sold your integrity to some supporters and backers at the expense of many innocent folks who will die as a result of your action.

Photo-robo-radar-speed-cameras serve only the corporate bottom line. They do not add to the safety of the citizen you swore an oath to serve and to protect. You serve, like most all those in politics today, yourself and a chosen few surrounding you.

Then to add insult to this most grievous injury, you throw your weight behind a bogus effort to increase our taxes for roads reputedly to cost over 42 billion adding to corporate bottom line while excluding input from us – those you govern from having a voice. It is reported that Judas received 30 pieces of silver when he sold out. How much did you get…?

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano you have clearly proved to me, you can not be trusted. 2010 can come none too soon, we need get rid of the likes of you, you govern not with integrity.



Front page – Business section – Arizona Republic – Saturday – 7-19-08 … STATEWIDE PHOTO-ENFORCEMENT PLANS A BOON FOR REDFLEX … please tell me where I am wrong and this “photo-robo-radar-camera” stuff is nothing more than another supercilious form of increasing tax revenue.

That innocent folks will die as a result and most likely not be held accountable or responsible is something I want each of the 90 dwarfs posing as state legislators and senators sworn to serve and to protect us to think about every time they see themselves in the mirror. Your action in this instance is unconscionable and reprehensible. I only hope none of you are ever forced to suffer the loss of a loved one as a result of the action you permitted.

When in doubt, just follow the money, see where it leads, it tells an undeniable story, just follow it. Don’t ever be deterred.

It’s all about $$$


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

KISS - keep it sincerely simple

KISS … Keep It Sincere Simple

Over time KISS has “morphed” into dozens of different derivatives and today I’ll add mine to that collection for consideration. Like the human act of kissing the word acquires for each individual a personal special sincere selective and simple meaning.

In applying KISS to our dialog especially between government and the citizens it has sworn … to serve and to protect … an interesting dimension arises. The once normal dialog between reasonable and rational human beings is replaced with a … proceed with caution sign … blinking on the forehead of all government personnel, politicians, bureaucrats as well as their constituents. These once quite sincere and simple speakers now choose dialog wherein they admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations. And they couple that with a tone implying that if you can not convince them, confuse them. Why is that, what happened to the once sincere simple exchange between human beings…?

Call me a dreamer and perhaps the reality is others, which may include you, never really endorsed KISS in a manner honestly compatible to that which I hold to be true. Perhaps KISS for you and them is merely the opportunity to obfuscate, to divide, to manipulate and where a little inaccuracy sometimes saves a ton of explanation. I hold there is great truth in the statement … a person is just about as big as the things that make them angry … and most contemporary government personnel appear largely to be totally unaware of what they are really expressing their anger about…? And as are we…?

Far wiser minds than I wrote … an assumption is the mother of all screw-ups … and believe me I’ve have made more than my share of assumptions. With this background I make yet another assumption for your consideration. I honestly assume it is the fundamental intent of all the laws, rules, regulations and bulletins “we” develop respecting all aspects of our environment they are to benefit human kind or at least not overtly subject human kind to harm. And additionally, these same writings are not overtly designed to inflict harm upon any portion of our biosphere.

What is amusing when one takes a moment to look behind the curtain at those proposing, writing, speaking and droning on an on about rules, regulations is the near sacramental overtone they attached to their pontifications. Amusingly when “we” ask questions of them about who, what, where, when, why, and how they designed their writing they sanctimoniously rejoin us as if we had engaged in a form of sacrilege. It is sufficient in their opinion that they made the time to write these rules, now, in their minds inviolate. There is no aspect of our environment where the dialog does not reek of this self-serving sanctimonious uttering. What “we” are asked to overlook, which “we” religiously perform, is not to see on Monday they were employed by EPA, engaged in writing these “commandments” and on Friday of that same week they are now actively employed by ExxonMobil touting its commitment to our global environment on the one hand, while lobbying congress that global warming is a hoax on the other. This dance has become an art form to the point most of us don’t see the shell game being so artfully performed before our very eyes. For those that do see, who are they to ask … what is the truth... ?

Reviewing even a small portion of any rule or regulation written respecting how to define, control, regulate, correct or make whole anything respecting air or water, a larger than life sacred cow immediately appears. All these writing serve only one purpose, to promote the success of the sacrosanct “for-profit-corporation” and the products, services, processes and proprietary claims they have. There is not one word written to promote the ideas, beliefs, desires of any single individual. An individual is but a cog in the wheel of progress as determined by what the late President Dwight Eisenhower prophetically described as the rise of the salient power implicit within the “military-industrial-complex. As we enter the second quarter of the year 2008, these words of Eisenhower resonate with new validity and authenticity on many fronts not the least of which is our environment.

Out of one side of our mouth we watch as mass media fortune tellers solemnly display “public-service-messages” calling upon all of us to commit to fostering a life style conducive to promoting a sustainable world environment. While on the other hand touting with Las Vegas style fan fare Presidential pronouncements that to support and show faith in our nation and its policies “we” should go out to the mall and shop. If there are two more diametrically opposing concepts competing for our awareness I confess I cannot think of any…? But as you know, this is but one of literally hundreds of mixed messages to which we are subjected daily. The sad commentary is, in our collective lack of awareness “we” don’t even know we have the right to ask questions to determine what is the truth...? “We” have for so long fed at the trough of corporate-sponsored education we are no longer aware of our right to freedom of expression. Like the seemingly unfettered rats of science experiments “we” keep our nose to the grindstone of the treadmill for-profit-corporations-with-consent-from-our-government have so efficiently and effectively provided to us. Though we may complain at our lot, as a result of the intentional deficiency in our education, we do not know, we are not even remotely aware, “we” have sole command of what “we” do or what we believe or choose not to do or choose not to believe.

KISS has by designed been transformed by “for-profit-corporations-with-consent-from-our-government” into - KEEP IT SILLY SEXY – they (that’s us) won’t know the difference. These capitalist provocateurs based on “science” they purchase, from once independently thinking academia, devised titillating propaganda messages arousing essentially prurient and animalistic levels of our emotional being. Safe knowing “we” are incapable of thinking outside the box, their mesmerizing addictive TV box that is, we’re easy “marks” for their carnival effort. Though silly and sexy their messaging is highly effective producing a culture wherein they have successfully all but eradicated sincere simple dialog between individuals. Amid an atmosphere which bombards 24/7 silly sexy messages those speaking sincere and simple have their words lost on the wind. The pace of life in America in 2008 is like being the pace car for the Indianapolis 500. Speed dominates separates. Educated on a diet of speed most of us understandably do not have any awareness “we” can slow down and still survive, so dominate is the life treadmill of “for-profit-corporations-with-consent-from-our-government.” Silly sexy mass media informs us that 13 minutes is the ideal time to achieve maximum sexual pleasure and interestingly this appears in most every major news outlet in America. To sex, they add violence, now its own art form. They combine sex and violence and our Arizona State Legislature passes legislation fostering an increased level to this stylized blood sport called “cage fighting.” As quickly and as excitedly as possible bash your opponents head in, draw blood, break and bend, mutilate and humiliate your fellow man. But do it quickly. To everything we attach a time-line notably relating to speed. To maximize this, to achieve that, to go here, to get there, to obtain this, to minimize that, a factor of time is promoted. Those things falling outside these pronounced timelines are deemed inferior, ineffective, incapable, inefficient and probably fattening too…?

Based on time alone any dialog regarding our environment begins skewed as “mother nature’s” sense of time and that fostered by corporate America are polar opposites. It is my understanding all “life-forms” require at least these two ingredients – air – water. Moreover, all life-forms vary in their ability to utilize less than pristine quality of these two ingredients – air – water. In 2008, few would argue that air or water are pristine, in fact many would be willing to chronicle that air and water continue to be substantively degraded. “We” recognize only that time-line delineated for us by our corporate puppeteers, those successfully pulling our chain each and every day. Their time-line is immediate, in the moment, now, vastly divergent from the eons by which Mother Nature leisurely abides. These polar opposite assessments of time constitute the underpinning for the chaotic conditions in our collective environment. Whereas Mother Nature says I need more time to clean and cleanse, we know only do it now, immediately. Re-creating this time line we allow corporate America to conveniently renew their “shell game” before our very eyes. “We” choose not to see as they steadfastly engage in activities which by the minute add to the potpourri of pollutants forms incessantly invading our water and air. Increasingly on those occasions when Mother Nature demands we see evidence of pollution our allegiance to our corporate puppeteers allows us to not acknowledge any awareness of any linkage between our collective activities and the increasing pollution of our water and air. Recite verbatim, we can, those propaganda messages incessantly broadcast at us by our corporate capitalist masters.

Interestingly many can equally enumerate those environmental and ecological groups they support monetarily or by membership, Green Peace, the Sierra Club, don’t waste this, save that, clean this, white wash that or it is green wash…? In the years following the debacle of 9/11, the fall out from enactment of the Patriot Act has on many fronts found folks a bit tongue tied in their vociferous denouncement of polluting environmental acts of government and industry. To state simply and sincerely see acts on the part of government or industry as destructive to our collective environment is, in today’s political climate, to open one’s self to hostile acts from the very body reputedly sworn to serve and to protect you and me. Canned, ready-made retorts, instant marchers with appropriate picket signs galore, stand ready for command. Push the button release the lot, to mass TV, radio, on the side walk of the corner store. Your once simple sincere questions about the polluting acts of your government or industry totally shouted and pushed out of sight. So, if it’s truth you seek, whom do you ask…?

There was a time when I saw myself; perhaps you did too, as a part of our collective environment. A moral obligation I had to use judiciously the bounty this earth provided to me. But no more as long ago dispelled was this notion tying me to you and us. KISS today has become, what’s in it for me, you’re on your own my corporate masters tell me to voice robotically.


"as bad as the law allows and do no more"


Cautiously I reflect upon what I heard, what I heard and saw at the recently concluded Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (AzOWRA) seminar in early June 2008. It is I need to own a bit difficult to completely remove my ego, my bias from entering into this writing I present to you. I, like a number of individuals from Arizona who attended some years ago the NOWRA conference in Albuquerque, met and contemplated formation of what was to eventually become AzOWRA. I am a charter founding member of AzOWRA and served on its initial Board of Directors resigning as I was unable to honestly carry the message AzOWRA leadership espoused. A hero, goat or martyr that does not make of me, only one who chooses to believe and live as Abraham Lincoln so succinctly noted … “a house divided against its self can not stand” … For AzOWRA leadership to present in a unified manner its positions, its Board need honestly reflect, espouse, embrace the positions majority votes stipulate. I was honestly unable in all cases to do that.

The “prime directive” motivating the development of AzOWRA was as I understood and recall was to “be” that voice uniting all those comprising the “stakeholders” within the Arizona Residential On-Site community. Just who might those stakeholders be…? Envisioned were academia, regulators from city, county, state, engineers, residential wastewater treatment and effluent disposal system designers, installation contractors, operation and maintenance providers, real estate agents, septic pumpers, vendors, product manufacturers, suppliers and last but certainly not least John Q. Public – the citizens of Arizona.

Today some years later, Arizona remains without a united voice capable to honestly speak for the Arizona Residential On-Site community. That fault most assuredly does not solely fall upon AzOWRA inability to provide an umbrella and the leadership necessary to unite us all. For more than 30 years I have worked in the residential wastewater treatment and effluent disposal arena through out Arizona. I do not claim to have all the answers. What I do claim is have the experience to begin to ask some of the right questions. Perhaps some of you receiving this can also recall the numerous attempts others have made in a manner similar to AzOWRA to evolve into that single voice honestly and honorable resonating for the express long term benefit of all those comprising the Arizona onsite community. Unsuccessful they were, too. To amalgamate, integrate a conglomeration as diverse as comprise the Arizona onsite community, it seems to me to require uncanny leadership ability coupled with the wisdom Solomon is said to possess.

It struck me as I listened to the presenters at this recently concluded seminar, in microcosm the messages presented to us represent and reflect the same disconnect I believe exists through out our nation, perhaps our world, too. In Arizona, we remain, firmly entrenched protecting our selected proprietary “turf,” unable and/or unwilling to see or embrace a larger world view. Understandably if you have been trained and daily held accountable to only stipulate and believe the truth of a single point of view, those espousing another most assuredly must be wrong.

It occurred to me that several pieces of information presented at this seminar upon first blush seemed to be extremely divergent, lacking any common interface. I offer them to you as FYI and I trust later in this presentation I will be able to successfully integrate them.

Hauled Water - I must admit I was unaware to learn that over 50% of the new construction within Coconino County is on property to which the owner must haul water for all forms of consumptive use. And moreover that hauled water cost about 45 cents per gallon commercially delivered to one’s home and storage tank. Currently generated national averages note Americans use about 60 gallons of water per day per person. Does that really hold true if one hauls water…? Even if we arbitrarily choose to reduce that figure by 50%, it could easily cost $15 per day per person for water, if one relies solely upon hauled water. Year 2000, US census data, notes in Arizona a “household” consists of 3 persons. If one utilizes this census data, it would suggest we in Arizona believe a person hauling water to his site pays on the average $1,350/month for water…? Count me as a “doubting Thomas” but I have a most difficult time giving credence this extrapolation represents fact, fiction maybe…? The reality appears to me to be those hauling water for their consumptive use, use water most judiciously not only advocating, but living, the motto … “waste not” ….

Greywater – The presentation on grey water exposed to all of us, the multiplicity of layers of which on the surface appear to be isolated. As was quite effectively noted, Arizona’s current method to address grey water is to simply not deal with its long term ramifications upon our environment. ADEQ, the state governmental agency charged with … serving and protecting …us and all aspects of our water and air, chose to take a politically expedient course of action. Placating those living in Pima county, Tucson and surrounding environs, who have for many, many years utilized, as governmental regulators at all levels conveniently looked the other way, all kinds, types, homemade and commercially installed forms of greywater apparatus. Over the years in Pima County and the surrounding locale many, many thousands forms of greywater uses have been installed. What to do, why clearly ADEQ does not address the situation head on, they chose to obliquely bury it out of sight, camouflaging it of course.

Hoops you must jump through - A succession of presentations at this referenced seminar exposed a line in the sand as one compares the “hoops” any applicant must jump through when the vaunted standard conventional septic tank and gravity leach field can not be installed on that owner’s site. Those sites successfully meeting the criteria permitting the installation of the proverbial standard conventional septic tank and gravity leach disposal system obtaining the necessary certificate to construct is like … “a walk in the park, a piece of cake” …. But pity that homeowner whose site does not meet the subjective criteria allowing installation of such a system for they quickly learn to obtain all the necessary permits enabling them to construct their “alternative” form of residential onsite wastewater treatment system moves with the speed of pouring molasses in winter. Moreover they quickly discover, or should; their “alternative” system is subjected to approx. 143 pages of governmentese language often in conflict between the referencing rule specifications. Moreover, though the governing ADEQ rules are to be incorporated and uniformly applied “state-wide” as a result of choice, ADEQ allows their Unified Permit Rule of 2001, to be implemented pursuant to 15 separate county rule interpretations, most without meeting the legal requirement of becoming part of their respective county ordinance.

At this juncture, I invite you to consider the implications on how and what the utter lack of ADEQ oversight, implementation and enforcement has on the permit process statewide…? As a direct result of ADEQ abject failure to implement, enforce and provide oversight, ADEQ subjects every applicant of an “alternative” residential onsite wastewater system to the whims of either specific county regulators or private contract personnel acting in behalf of the specific county. Though illegal and unsanctioned by state law, some counties allow their private contract oversight personnel to stipulate arbitrarily and capriciously they will only review applications which meet submittal protocols stipulated solely by them. For the homeowner and their designer/engineer caught in this “ego-game” it becomes do you have the time and money and are you willing to fight these draconian policies or do you choose the more typical course of action and meekly submit to these “Nazi” like demands to enable the homeowner to obtain as quickly as possible the necessary certificate of approval to construct. Bear in mind often meekly submitting to their demands means the “alternative” system in question will cost more money and frequently subjects the owner to the need to utilize costly long term private third party operation and maintenance.

Cleverly composed words – When used at this seminar words such as – “standard” system vs. “alternative,” sustainability, mandatory checklists, greywater, rock, soils, “perc,” O&M, watertight, homeowner accountability – clearly resonate how cleverly we choose to use and to define words such as these. Though definitions are provided at the beginning of the ADEQ rule noted in state statue, today, each of Arizona’s 15 counties choose to alter these definitions to conform to subjective definitions of their choosing. More importantly the definitions in rule were made for the convenience of government and are NOT intended to be clear concise and easily understood by you or me. I rise to especially question the choice of terms like “standard septic system” vs. “alternative systems”…? Most folks as a result of hearing these terms choose what is deemed standard as opposed to that labeled alternative. Our choice of terms is not clear, nor concise, nor understandable. And, yet, we expect all those comprising the Arizona onsite community to be not only conversant with these terms, but understand their subtleness, especially John Q. Public – the citizen of Arizona. At a most fundamental level as a result of our choice not to educate we lay the foundation and plant the seed for the ensuing chaos in our Arizona residential onsite community.

Rural water vs. metro Phoenix – Presenters at this referenced seminar made us aware of the total disconnect between rural community water policy and that currently imposed in metro Phoenix. Flagstaff residents today operate under a residential water policy wherein currently they can water every other day and one day on the weekend. Residential water costs about 7 cents per gallon from the water meter provided by the city. As summer progresses, more restrictions will be placed on water use in Flagstaff. Routinely, if not daily, the “water” police roam Flagstaff streets searching for violators. In metro Phx we turn on the water facet and tap and forget about any aspect of the lingering drought all of Arizona continues to be under. The average man in the street in metro Phoenix is completely unaware if any restrictions are in place. Are there any….? I know of none.

Increased “septage” should we be concerned – Honest uniform state-wide application and enforcement of operation and maintenance provisions for all residential onsite wastewater treatment and effluent disposal systems will very significantly increase the amount of “septage” generated. An ancillary consideration is the fact today the number of municipally operated legal and lawful “septage” receiving and disposal sites are diminishing significantly. One question becomes, what are we going to do about this factor and are we even willing to address it….?

So what might be the common interface of these information pieces…? I choose to begin that for the past 30 years that I have been aware of we have clearly been unable and/or unwilling as it requires “guts” to hold any homeowner accountable for anything. Interesting as every presenter at this conference loudly and clearly stipulates the absolute importance and requirement the homeowner is aware, complies and conforms to all those aspects of the rule affecting their onsite system, whether or not ADEQ chooses to note and/or enforce. Though we speak in seminars such as the one I recently attended of holding the homeowner accountable and responsible, we lack the “guts” to provide the level of information and education they require. And moreover we really do not want to actively bring them to the table whenever their interests are being discussed, which is every time water in any form is on anyone’s agenda.

Tentacles surrounding hauled water - It strikes me beginning with the tentacles surrounding the issues of property developed on sites clearly devoid of onsite water (individual water wells or municipal water to site) – hauled water - the demands of our rules are unjustified, without any scientific validity and draconian. Moreover, one can make the case, these are the very sites where forms of greywater use and other forms of reuse will be employed and utilized. The “hoops” we demand these folks jump through are the same as those to which one installing a “standard” septic system must jump through. Why, when clearly such a divergence stares us in the face…?

Are we stating that we are unable or unwilling to write rules understandable to everyone, eliminating the convoluted “governmentese” language and simply stipulate that if at some time in the future onsite water is made available to those now utilizing “hauled water” sites, they must immediately install residential wastewater treatment and disposal systems meeting an applicable standard determined at that time and place…?

At first blush how do these relate - While at first blush the following may appear not assimilated into the discussion above, please bare with me and hopefully I can find the correct words to integrate all of this. On our political landscape today a new voices resonate. Some, though certainly not all, feel Senator Obama resonates with a vision more inclusive than current politics emulate. On the other hand medical anthropologists, like Alberto Villoldo, Ph. D., present in his seminars ancient shamanic paradigm contemplating the birthing of a new vision into being. It might be in both cases the positions each of these men espouse is too animistic or esoteric for the some. In each case, it seems to me, they are requesting each of us to open up and embrace what might be better expressed as the unknown. Their collectively integrated message might simply be for each of us to strive to make known the unknown. To achieve this paradigm requires each of us to face our fears while also laying aside our egos. Is that asking too much…? Is this question of sustainability lingering therein…?

As one begins to peel away - the layers of the regulatory onion we quickly see how integrated these seemingly divergent aspects become. Leaving the “hauled water” aspect on the back burner for a moment, let’s turn our attention to greywater use. I need to own my personal bias is to promote the use of greywater in any reasonable fashion or form for any property anywhere in Arizona. Having said that I must then take note of the “holistic” (sustainability) implications using greywater creates. There are at least two paths which greywater can take; one is use on sites where the house is connected to a municipal sewage collection, treatment and disposal modality. The second is use of greywater when an individual residence is served by its own residential onsite wastewater treatment and effluent disposal system.

Conditions common to both greywater uses include:

§ An increase in the “strength” of the sewage reaching the treatment portion of each system

§ Requires immediate and clear evaluation of what changes in the treatment aspect of each system this increased strength requires

§ What are the implications on the effluent disposal aspects of each system

§ Who pays for the upgrades and modifications to the system greywater use creates

§ What is a realistic time line to implement the changes we by consensus generate

§ Is the process we choose to implement sustainable

Industrial & Municipal - Traditionally, change affecting the municipal and industrial portions of a sewage waste stream is easier for government regulators to implement and enforce as the sheer number of units affected is significantly reduced. And of equal if not greater importance is the regulators ability to utilize the “bully-pulpit” on other governmental agencies raising the ire of their constituents their system is alleged to be out of compliance and potentially liable to significant monetary fines. Moreover the cost to provide the changes stipulated are spread out over a large number of users thereby reducing one’s individual financial contribution. There is at the moment an unknown, unquantified cost associated with what new “widget” forms we need to add to the treatment portion of the sewage treatment to handle the significantly increased strength of the sewage received while dealing with an equally smaller amount of liquid received.

Awareness of the implications in treating residential sewage - In Arizona any regulation affecting all residential wastewater treatment and effluent disposal systems number according to ADEQ spokesperson, Edwin Swanson, today over 550,000 separate individual installations through out our State spread unequally over 15 separate counties. Moreover the cost of any change mandated would be borne by each individual homeowner irrespective of their ability to pay. Likewise increased use of greywater requires us to address the immediate as well as long term implications on the treatment portion of our residential wastewater systems. Factors complicating this analysis and evaluation, is, how on an individual homeowner basis we address and resolve the issues respecting the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and endocrine interrupters and other chemical, toxic and carcinogenic forms routinely found in our residential sewage. Increased greywater use correspondingly almost automatically increases as a percentage of volume these constituents. On an individual homeowner basis, currently we do not know if we even have the technology “widgets” capable of adequately addressing this condition. We therefore do not have even a “WAG,” as to the cost an individual homeowner could face to achieve compliance. “WAG” is a scientific term defined as wild ass guess.

Before we leave the greywater and re-use topic, it would be worthwhile to consider for a moment a portion of its political implications. Were Arizona, and specifically Phoenix, to embrace expansion of greywater use what might the implications be…? In as much as clothes washing and bathing wastewater comprise about 70% of the total amount of water consumed in the average residence, based on 2000, US Census figures of approx. 3 persons per household x 60 gallons per person per day = 180/gallons per day. Based on these figures greywater use could amount to over 125 gallons per day per dwelling. In Phoenix proper in 2000, census figures noted there were approx. 500,000 households in Phoenix x 55/gallons per day (amount remaining less greywater) will be sent to municipal sewage treatment systems, totally approx 28 million gallons per day. This represents about 1/3 of the “normal” Phoenix sewage influent and would enter these facilities at a significantly increased and elevated strength potentially creating enormous treatment challenges.

Sale of sewage effluent and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Plant - Moreover, one needs to be aware of the existing contractual constraints some local governments are operating under as a result of their eagerness to enter into the sale of effluent to Palo Verde Nuclear Generating facility west of Phoenix during the late 1980’s. A 35-mile pipeline carries treated waste water from a City of Phoenix sewage treatment facility to Palo Verde, where the 90 million gallons of sewage effluent each day is used for cooling at both Palo Verde and Redhawk. It would appear to meet this contractual agreement ALL the sewage from the 500,000 residential units in Phoenix are continuously required on a daily basis.

End run to protect “turf” - Historically in Arizona those who comprise the “stakeholders” of the residential onsite community have consistently chosen to believe the only way change will occur is by working with and through the established regulatory process as presented to us by ADEQ. There is I believe rather incontrovertible evidence that over these last 8 years since this new millennium began and ADEQ evoked its – Unified Permit Rule in 2001 - that our collective state environment has been dealt an increasing disservice. In 2001, we permitted ADEQ to make its politically motivated “end run” to beat the upstart Unified Plumbing Code (UPC) to GRRC thereby into rule, simply to establish its claim to “turf,” though at the time this ADEQ rule had holes and problems large enough to drive a Mack truck through. Rather than stand up to the political juggernaut driving ADEQ, (i.e. mines, developers, utilities, corporate agriculture) we acquiesced primarily because we did not in opposition know what to do. Politically naïve were we then and perhaps remain still now.

Developing consensus “buy-in” - I have raised at numerous times and under different conditions the notion that only when we choose to make and grant the time necessary to honestly educate and seek input from every corner of our state from individuals everywhere will the rules and regulations by consensus promulgated there under achieve the voluntary “buy-in” necessary to accomplish the status of voluntary compliance implementation and enforcement of rules and regulations governing how we use and treat all forms of water in Arizona. In most every case where I have given this notion “voice” it is met by some with the reaction its too far out, I just don’t understand how the game is played, it can't be done this way, no one will support this approach, it’s politics and you are not in tune. If that is the paradigm to which you adhere, believe and are held accountable then most assuredly any other paradigm can only be seen as false, untrue and unattainable.

During my collegiate days in the mid-1960’s era, I recall reading about a study conducted to evaluate and potentially quantify the amount of “change” we can endure before we freak out. As I recall, I was surprised to learn this study revealed we are able to accept “changes” not exceeding ten-percent (10%), before our individual fear of the unknown raises its specter overwhelming us. Assuming there is even marginal validity to these results, this seems to suggest that for a “complete” change to occur would require at the minimum ten years. In the 33 years I have been active within the Arizona onsite community, I question whether we have even achieved a one time complete change in the paradigm of our beliefs.

Anticipation of a new era vs. current reality - There was great anticipation the ADEQ – Unified Permit Rule of 2001 – was to usher in a new era eliminating the haphazardly applied guidelines of the then governing standard – Engineering Bulletin 12 (covering residential onsite systems). The most notable aspect of these newly promulgated rules was to mandate their uniform application on a state-wide basis coupled with provisions quantifying and objectifying under force of rule and law, what previously was largely guideline and a regulator’s subjective opinion. The stark reality in 2008 is these once vaunted rules which were to be uniformly applied across every nook and cranny of Arizona have “morphed” into evaluations and opinions hap hazardously applied in sovereign manner by each of Arizona’s 15 county environmental health departments. We simply re-created the once much maligned ADEQ/Engineering Bulletin 12 in a different form essentially granting “carte-blanche” to the respective regulators and/or their contract minions.

Substantive change - Still we cling to the belief that substantive change can only come about by working through ADEQ. It was notably demonstrated at this AzOWRA sponsored seminar I recently attended that only if one adheres and presents positions placating the “status-quo” will they be allowed to have “voice.” Notably absent was any actual presentation or questions raised by John Q Public – for and in behalf of Arizona citizens. I find it so very interesting the Arizona onsite community stakeholders – fear inviting, receiving and giving voice to John Q Public. Why is that…? The questions which John Q Public might and most probably will raise, we fear we can no longer idly brush aside, or give glib answers to, sweep under the rug, dance around, but the simple truth is, we don’t honestly know how to answer their concerns. In these seminars, like this AzOWRA reference, wherein “practioneers” dwell, attendees can all faithfully espouse the words and terms deliberately chosen to be foreign, convoluted and unclear to Arizona’s average man. And we continue to buy into the “crap” that rule development language demand it be so. That’s simply not true. But you and I are free to believe as we choose.

Clear & concise vs. “gobble-de-gook” - I am reminded here of a statement made by William Tiller, Ph.D., Stanford, physics who noted at a seminar I attended some time back that he found until he truly understood, his explanation to others were protracted and convoluted. When he attained true knowledge, wisdom some might say, he could then articulate his explanation to others in a voice clear, concise and understandable. Might it be the “gobble-de-gook” terms we espouse are nothing more than camouflage for our failure to have made the time and/or commitment to attain the level of knowledge from where wisdom flows…? Are we so emotionally devastated and/or diminished that we are simply unable or unwilling to say … “I simply don’t know, but I’ll look into it, and get back to you”…?

Where do we want to go from here…? – One point we might consider and ponder is how to create a safe haven wherein, in the manner of an honest broker we can contemplate aspects surrounding the safety and quantity of our water available to us, to day, tomorrow. Within this realm from a place of our ‘enlightened’ self-interest we can choose to evaluate all the societal costs – externalities – our actions around water create. And from within this atmosphere contemplate the implications of rules and regulations we promulgate which clearly suggest … “as bad as the law allows and do no more” … the essence of our State’s environmental law promulgated today.



Yes, there’s water flowing in those streams, creeks and rivers past your town, but it’s not for you to consume …

Our neighbors to the north and it’s not Canada to which I refer, but rather those in Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona, Cottonwood, Camp Verde and Payson, those who along the Salt and Verde rivers dwell. Don’t even think about drinking or consuming that water in any manner, it’s all ours you know. You’ll awake one morning to find it gone, for SRP like a thief in the night will take it for us, those who dwell in the Valley of the Sun, that’s who. To hell with you, it’s ours.

We see and hear words like these almost every day and we don’t get mad, we don’t say this is unjust, we don’t even think about it, we just let it pass.

That summer cabin in the northland woods no longer any water can you consume, don’t even think about drilling a well lest SRP will have the local sheriff put you in jail. You think not…? Dare you oppose and you’ll quickly find out how swiftly the law comes down on you. Has anyone of us really taken the time to contemplate the implications behind these words..?

Water transfers, now there’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard. As if we by relocating the route water takes demonstrates we command, have power and dominion over. These water transfers like the CAP are NOT without enormous environmental, financial, not to mention political cost. Today the care, custody, control of water is base for economic power – tomorrow’s – equivalent oil revealed. Power – is a word we cleverly conceal, keep under wraps, its full measure out of sight lest we are forced to face our complicity as we so robotically look the other way whenever the subject of water comes up.

Conflicted are we of what water is and is not. For many water is a substance used to quench our thirst, to wash your feet or your car, to add moisture to grass and crops, but it surely is not alive. For many it does not live or resonate. Other men, like Bill Tiller, Ph.D., Stanford, Physics, and Professor Emoto, Japan, operating within the bowels of contemporary science have given to us, if we’re willing to be open to see, reasons to believe water does indeed resonate have life.

I suggest that each of us at some point in time must ask and answer – what is life…? The definition and answer need be relevant only to you, that’s OK. For me, all life is a form of energy, what say you…? Energy sends and receives as water so aptly does. Is that sufficient proof..? You be the judge. Both Tiller and Emoto subjected water to varying types and forms of tests which water passed with flying colors. Contemporary scientific scholars reject many if not all of their findings, every wonder why…? It’s because their protocols did not conform to that stipulated by them. Therefore, invalid, false their conclusions deemed. So too it was for Nicolaus Copernicus when he clearly stated the world was round. It’s not so, they screamed, but now we know.

Conformity is a powerful form we use to control, dominate and subjugate causing us to abdicate our truth to them, to others outside ourselves. Conformity transfers power from us to them, is that what we really want…? Interestingly as we demand – water – conform to our will, and produce hydro-electric power, but don’t overflow the artificial banks we create and be always available to us. Over time we’ve learned to channel, to transfer water from place to place, never stopping to realize that water picks up integrates all that is passes over and through. We channel water to pick up nuclear waste, overflowing sewage, garbage, fertilizer, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, you can add even more. It passes over ground where fire retardant fell creating a type of toxic soup which rain drives into our water shed and drinking water reservoirs and without pause we drink.

Though this blue-green planet we call – home – is over 70% water, less than 3% is fit for us to drink, consume, ingest. And the amount readily available to us today, if reduced to 26 gallons, amounts to less than ½ teaspoon full for all of us. That’s not a lot…! Tragically, today, those most wise about water conclude there is no unpolluted source. A commentary with implications we might choose to contemplate especially if one believes and concludes water has life and is NOT merely a chemical for us to use, abuse, consume and throw away. Choosing to believe – water – is living and resonates with life, we need take a stand and say to SRP water is part of the “commons” and belongs to all of us to share.

The work of Tiller and Emoto and others demonstrate how we resonate with water that our intentions communicate and imprint water. For some, I realize, this is still too far out, for others this is but the first small step in activating the latent energy of which man is made. How mankind chooses to evolve is yet to be written or walked though I have no doubt “energetic” man will be revealed. Once man ceases to believe he must dominate, control and chooses to integrate, interact we will become one with all. It’s solely a matter of choice, each of us must make.

Earl Nightingale and Norman Vincent Peale, scholars and authors in their own right, both chose to express what some today may term – enlightenment – that mankind can with energy alone change it all with these three words … believe and succeed … too simple for most to trust.

Interestingly there is, when viewed from an energetic perspective, safe and sufficient water for all of us. From today’s place of lack to one of unlimited “common” abundance, now that’s quite a difference in paradigm.



Witnessing Change . . . ?

Reflecting on change in terms of its speed as well as its context perhaps each of the past two generations feel they lived through tumultuous times. I believe a case can be made those born in the early portion of the last century, i.e. 1900 to 1915 were witness to some of the most substantive technological marvels that mankind has invented and developed. They were apart of that generation which was witness to two world wars, the development, deployment and force of an atomic bomb upon a human population, and hopefully watched as Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon. This is generation of my late father, I came along in ’43, during the big one WW2. They were witness, to what by today’s standards were the embryonic developmental steps of the computer and marveled as it was intricately woven into being the guide for much of NASA triumphant successes. They saw the initial development of what are now the ubiquitous subdivisions of “cookie-cutter” homes, the development of air conditioning allowing the deserts of the Southwest to be inhabited without restriction or reservation. Many were witness as President Eisenhower signed the interstate highway act, breeding the spreading of asphalt across our nation. Some were around to question the sanity of those “teenagers” during the “peace/free love/rock and roll” era of the 60’s and 70’s. Having been witness to American success in two prior war encounters the events that unfolded in Vietnam were incomprehensible to many of them.

As I reflect as objective as it is humanly possible when attempting to look through the eyes and temperament of another, and I use my late father as the mirror. He was a man proud to be an American. Proud of what his nation stood for, as well as what it had accomplished. Being born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1912, the Vegas of today doubtfully was dreamed, though he like most of his contemporaries felt that Vegas would grow and endure, which so far it has done exceedingly well. He attempted to instill and live the notion that one could trust their government it was not there to undermine you nor intentionally distort the truth. Far from a dreamer, he was a realist and was well aware there were always a few “bad apples” in any barrel. There was a fundamental belief the press, though prejudice as a result of owner’s/publisher’s perspective, nonetheless reported “straight-news” not the “infomercials” to which we are subjected today. Radio was the “big” news delivery system and like many, he had a lot of respect for Edward R. Murrow, H. V. Kaltenborn and Lowell Thomas. TV was not available in Vegas until the mid 1950’s. As I attempt to look through his lens at the world in his era, he saw a world wherein he could fundamentally trust his government. That is not to say, that he or everyone for that matter agreed with all the actions they took in his behalf as the Congress of our nation. But on a basic fundamental level there was the feeling for the most part the government was giving its people the straight scoop.

This “trust” began to unravel when the US government began to plant covert news stories in the paper reporting on the “official/actual” results of the most recent above ground atomic weapons test at the site no more than100 miles from our house. We had friends and neighbors, like so many others in Vegas at the time, who worked at the “test-site” as it was known, their first hand accounts did not match to any degree those reported as “official” by the then Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).

When the first hand accounts of the journalists and returning military personnel from Vietnam began to diametrically oppose the “official/actual” story line being promulgated by our government, the last vestiges of truth and honor fell, freedom of the press was a thing of the past. When Nixon’s own action painted him as corrupted and untruthful, the office of the president sank to a level from which it has not recovered.

In the near 50 years since I graduated from high school, the level of education which we choose to provide to our youngsters is inexorably of lesser quality than that which I was provided. We don’t want them to read, we choose not to have them write, we don’t care if they can find Iraq on a map or world globe, hell they can't even find their own state on a US map, let alone know the state capitals. We have eliminated history and civics as part of their curriculum too, while on the other hand we wonder why they can't do math.

Sadly, I would make “book” most of our youngsters have not studied or even know what Emanuel Kant wrote, or a fellow named William Shakespeare, who was Robin Hood …? What’s a Don Quixote, or who made famous the line … I have a dream …? What’s the meaning behind the statement … “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” …? Why should they study or know anything about communism, fascism, socialism, totalitarianism, or capitalism…? Why know anything about the great religions of the world…?

Why indeed, when we have chosen to willingly submit to the dictates fostered upon them and us by a government in collusion with for-profit-corporate-endeavors…? There is a term for this type of government business intertwine, know what it is…?

The changes I have witness in my now 65 years on this planet are by any measure vast, swift and ever changing still. Speed coupled with technology expands the knowledge available to us at nearly light speed, well beyond the ability of any one man or woman to keep abreast or comprehend. In such a world the ability to – trust – seems to me to be paramount. And yet in America, today, most of us, more than half, which includes me, don’t trust our government.

How did we stray so far away from those ideals upon which our nation reputedly was founded…? Thomas Jefferson had a great line when noted …. "A little revolution now and then is a good thing". A revolution is what we need, not of sword, not to annihilate, not to destroy, not to shame, not to hate, not to blame, but to educate, to embrace, to comfort and yes, to love.

Too simple, too esoteric, too out there for you, that’s just what they want to feel to see, to embrace. Be afraid be very afraid, in this mode we serve them well.



The headline in the Friday – 7/18/08 - issue of the Arizona Republic … entitled … Climate Change will have grim impact … strikes me as having implications we in Arizona might choose to honestly address… ? What say you…? The entire article is worthy of your time to read, evaluate and contemplate. I choose to invite your attention to, two aspects which I believe Arizona is experiencing even today.
One is the implication that water and airborne diseases could spread more quickly and more people could develop asthma or other pulmonary ailments. I draw your attention to the recent outbreak of cryptosporidium in municipal swimming pools in metro Phoenix. This a microbe which thrives in all forms of water, especially water of elevated temperature which provides excellent living conditions. One need not go far to attest to the increased airborne ailments being felt by many across our state.

Two is the implication of this hotter, drier future will have on the run-off feeding the Colorado, Verde and Salt river systems which provide more than 2/3 of all the water needs for “metro” Phoenix. These river systems according to many hydrologists are either at or approaching their maximum. Yet we continue to allow our state leaders to deceive us as they pull the wool over our eyes falling on the sword we can sustain unrestricted growth solely from the water they produce.

The impact of the pending climate changes can indeed prove grave though we have within us the ability to bring about a change. This change requires a long term commitment and does not fit into our quick, instant, easy ways of thinking and looking for results. There is no doubt a change of thinking wherein all are considered will unquestioningly bring results which today seem unreal and certainly not achievable.

But thinking like this takes – guts – something that’s been bred and educated out of us, docile, domesticated, robotic have we become. Actually it’s easier than you might think and really you need not believe, just be willing to say and write … we have all the water we need to support our growth today, tomorrow and whatever the future may be. And that our air is clean providing us an atmosphere sustaining all life. Corny you say, it just might be, but you can say and write it on the sly and no one need know or see. Interestingly you do not have to believe it to be true all you need do is say it or write once every day. What have you got to lose…? Nothing, but WOW the upside is incredible. So what say you, give it a try..?



I rise to salute Laurie Roberts for her succinct article in the Saturday issue of the Arizona Republic entitled ... THIS TIME, THE TRUTH COULD UNRAVEL TAX INITIATIVE …. which separates the wheat from the chaff in a manner permitting anyone capable of reading to comprehend the implications of the “smoke screen” the proponents of TIME are attempting to perpetrate on us once again.

I am reluctant to say she nailed TIME’s hide to the wall, as I am not sure given our collective propensity not to endorse and fund … reading is fundamental … I must question how many of us, can read…?

And moreover, given that we can’t add or do math, even with the assistance of a calculator/computer ascertaining how to derive a percentage is beyond the ability of most. Ms. Roberts did the math, if you want to verify it on your own, I salute your effort.

Do the math and prove for yourself TIME want to increase your taxes by 17.8% - do the math and see for yourself.

And while you’re at it make the time to determine who is sponsoring and funding TIME, and who benefits if the TIME proposal is successful at the polls in November.

It ain’t you or me - bucko…?



In the Sunday- 7-20-08– Viewpoints section of the Arizona Republic – the article entitled – LIVING IN A WORLD OF EXCLUSION – authored by Andrew Blechman appeared. If you have not, I invite you to make the time to read and assess its implications. His article dwells on how those from outside of Sun City evaluate all the implications living in such a cloistered environment entails. There is, it seems to me, to be a much larger lens that we can use to analyze this world of exclusion, Mr. Blechman eloquently describes.

There is as most mature adults are aware appreciable dangers in painting any situation with a board bush even one of muted color. Reading his article I was forcibly struck how we in America have permitted our leaders through the exercise of hubris to depict to the people of the Earth, that we – America – truly do live in a world of exclusion. In fact, America, epitomizes exclusion, isolation, barring, prohibiting, segregation and eliminating.

If you’re not with us, then you’re damn sure against us. If the color of your skin, your ethnicity, your creed, your language, your manner of dress does not pass our “test” (which is totally subjective in that moment) then, get the hell out of here.

For America – exclusion – we have been lead to believe by nincompoops leading agencies more appropriately named – Dept of Homeland Insecurity – are designed to be foundation for our safety. Live in gated communities, lock your car, double lock your home, teach your children “don’t-talk-to-strangers” and don’t trust them, they’re not like us. They’re aliens, you know, so watch out…? They don’t belong here this is our land, our place, not theirs.

The downside of exclusion is we by definition and act, become – alone – outside the collective of the peoples of this one planet and its ecosphere we are all forced to share. If you can read or do any math, then perhaps, realizing there are far more of them, than us, might ring some bell…?

Why does our leadership choose to educate and reward us to – exclude…? It’s an easy way to keep us living in – fear – of everything, save them, for as saviors they wish to be seen.

We’re all free to believe and see as we choose as exclusive and in fear, or open and embracing all of life. The choice is ours to make each and every day. What say you…?



In a number of cultures around our world – Governor Janet Napolitano - you would be considered to speak with forked tongue – what words from you can we trust…?


You sold your integrity to some supporters and backers at the expense of many innocent folks who will die as a result of your action.

Photo-robo-radar-speed-cameras serve only the corporate bottom line. They do not add to the safety of the citizen you swore an oath to serve and to protect. You serve, like most all those in politics today, yourself and a chosen few surrounding you.

Then to add insult to this most grievous injury, you throw your weight behind a bogus effort to increase our taxes for roads reputedly to cost over 42 billion adding to corporate bottom line while excluding input from us – those you govern from having a voice. It is reported that Judas received 30 pieces of silver when he sold out. How much did you get…?

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano you have clearly proved to me, you can not be trusted. 2010 can come none too soon, we need get rid of the likes of you, you govern not with integrity.



Front page – Business section – Arizona Republic – Saturday – 7-19-08 … STATEWIDE PHOTO-ENFORCEMENT PLANS A BOON FOR REDFLEX … please tell me where I am wrong and this “photo-robo-radar-camera” stuff is nothing more than another supercilious form of increasing tax revenue.

That innocent folks will die as a result and most likely not be held accountable or responsible is something I want each of the 90 dwarfs posing as state legislators and senators sworn to serve and to protect us to think about every time they see themselves in the mirror. Your action in this instance is unconscionable and reprehensible. I only hope none of you are ever forced to suffer the loss of a loved one as a result of the action you permitted.

When in doubt, just follow the money, see where it leads, it tells an undeniable story, just follow it. Don’t ever be deterred.

It’s all about $$$



Arizona Republic headlines – 17 July 08 … BUSH CLAIMS PRIVILEGE TO WITHHOLD CIA LEAK RECORD …

Mr. Bush is at it again defending the alleged rights of the few, the few to whom he is beholding to. While I have no respect for his actions, I have none either for our State and local leaders who pass the buck or in stealth mode live.

Pick any topic from A to Z and transparency you will not find from them. They too have learned and learned well how to play the new “shell game” with us, so we can't tell when their lying to us. There’s an old joke … you know when a politician is lying…? Answer, whenever he/she moves their mouth. Sad but excruciatingly true today.

Every answer they provide is calculated, tested, screened and sanitized to reveal as little as possible and certainly not the truth. How’s the local economy, they report just a bump, won’t last long, not to worry. Why can’t parents hire their own expert at the school to make damn sure their kids breathe air that’s safe…? School officials say we can't have that.

Oh, yea, that bacteria reported to be in our local pools, is found too in the water you consume, drink, bathe, and ingest. It’s supposed to be thoroughly test for, but, well you know we’re a bit short of funds, so…? Reality is, it is NOT only found in pool water, but in water you consume and therefore in wastewater too. Hey, but, soon now our leaders have assured you and me, we’ll be drinking this same safe transformed wastewater. And it’s going to be yummy, yummy for the tummy.

While Mr. Bush for me is the poster child for gross lack of transparency he has set high standard for our state and local leader to follow and adhere. And you know what they are doing it exceedingly well.



The above the fold headline line in the Thursday – 7-17-08 – issue of The Arizona Republic headline – JUNE INFLATION FIGURES STARTLING - serves the politicians and corporate stakeholder’s agenda adding fuel to fan the flames to have you and me – be afraid, be very afraid.

Have any of us made the time to stop for a few moments and quietly reflect upon how we have been manipulated to react since that fateful day of Sept. 11th….? We have been deliberately manipulated and hammered with artificially manufactured “fear” one after another. This is not a discussion into your choice as to whether or not our government, and therefore us, had any calculability into either the events leading to 9/ll or its staging. That’s ancient history. The reality we face as a result of this deliberate manufacturing of “press releases” dutifully reported to us as “facts” by now government minions, once known as the free press, is to promote fear in every form.

A day does not go by when we are not bombarded with some new allegation of misuse, mistreatment, misappropriation, misdirected, misguided and/or malfeasance designed to keep us on the edge of our seat worried concerned, confused and totally distrustful in our own personal sovereignty and wisdom.

FDR stated it well when he noted … “only thing we have to fear is fear itself” … And as corporate America has learned in the last seven years, selling fear is extremely lucrative and highly profitable.

At one time we educated our youth exposing them to the challenges as well as the opportunities to which the early settlers of our nation were exposed. They met those challenges and used those opportunities to establish a nation once with unparallel natural resources and bounty. That we have essentially squandered it is another topic. My father’s generation met head on the Great Depression and as a nation we survived and learned and from that attempted to devise social mechanisms for the benefit of all. Today those once viable social mechanisms have been repealed, revamped, remodeled, relabeled and redesigned to feed the economic capitalist machine of a select few at the expense of the many. The few gorging themselves feeding leisurely at an unlimited trough, made possible by the efforts of many, while the many have little or nothing breeds not only fear but leads to hate.

Overcoming fear is an inside personal job one that others can enhance and/or assist to the extent of offering when appropriate a helping hand, an encouraging word, a smile, a pat on the back, reaching out to help one up when they fall and being ever vigilant and truthful in one’s word. It’s easy to give into fear, as I have on occasion done in my life, perhaps so have you. Despondent we become, remorseful, easily lead astray as we’ve given up listening to our inner “whisper voice” resonating what is truthful to us, if we but make the time to listen. That revolution, I spoke about at other times, is now, is here. The revolution begins within you and me as we individually and collectively throw off all the unfounded artificial manufactured fear we’ve been instructed to believe and endorse It’s up to each of us it’s a choice we each must make. And make alone.


Monday, July 21, 2008


17 January 05

The Honorable Janet NapolitanoGovernor of Arizona1700 West WashingtonPhoenix, Arizona 85007

Greetings Governor Napolitano:

Some how it seems appropriate that I would be writing to you on the day our Nation and State set aside to honor the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For me, the essence of his message is we can accomplish and achieve anything undertaken in the spirit of co-operation, honor and trust. In light of the increased polarization at our national and State level the essence of his message appears to be having been lost.

No where is this more apparent than in the current rule revision promulgated by ADEQ and recently submitted to the Secretary of State for publication per protocol. ADEQ states the revision is necessary to correct the deficiencies in their rule enacted in 2001. Few, who are affected by this rule, would argue that revisions are necessary to make what was a hastily enacted, politically motivated, poorly constructed rule, useful and capable of being usefully implemented.

The preamble to the revisions proposed by ADEQ for R-18 – 9 makes a mockery of the work product and effort of the untold numbers of “volunteers” who primarily without any form of compensation freely gave to the State the benefit of their collective years of experience in this domain. Records and documents substantiate that hundreds if not several thousand of hours were spent by folks from academia, county regulators, engineers, contractors, product vendors, suppliers, homeowners, and general citizens in debate on how to close the gaps in the existing ADEQ rule. Unfortunately, ADEQ chose not to sit at this table and negotiate in “good faith.”

The preamble notes ADEQ held “listening sessions” throughout the State. Like many, I attended at least one of each of these listening sessions, and like all those assembled was informed that ADEQ would address the concerns raised at these listening sessions and get back to us. We are still waiting for the agency to get back to us, to in truth answer the questions raised, the positions noted, and the documentation on the part of the agency as requested by those in attendance.

The preamble also notes that nineteen formal OWAC (an official arm of ADEQ) meetings have been conducted since this rule was officially enacted in 2001. What is missing is this same OWAC requested in a formal petition to Ms. Karen Smith, Director/Water Quality Division of ADEQ, to delete from this revision all portions affecting residential onsite wastewater treatment and disposal. This request made by the Chairman of OWAC, Mr. Larry Hawke, representing Pima County Environmental Health, was rejected out of hand by Ms. Smith.

The economic impact of these newly proposed revisions to the Rule are not easily discernable in the agency’s preamble. When questioned by GRRC in 2001, ADEQ stated categorically there was NO economic impact to those impacted by this Rule. In reality since 2001 there has been a significant economic impact upon those affected by this Rule beginning with the fifteen County Environmental Health departments who were required to implement this Rule without any assistance from the ADEQ. Moreover, every homeowner who installed a new residential onsite wastewater treatment and disposal system felt an economic impact with higher costs beginning with the amount and type of “paperwork” required for a permit. Additionally, homeowners faced increased costs from designers, engineers, contractors, vendors, suppliers who were forced to adhere to arbitrary and capriciously applied interpretations of the Rule by ADEQ personnel. Before 2001, the average cost of a so-called “standard conventional” septic system in Arizona was - $2,000 to $4,000. In 2005 this cost is $3,500 to $6,000. Some is the result of inflation, much the result of Rule. Before 2001, the average cost of a so-called “alternative” septic system in Arizona was - $12,500 to $17,000. In 2005 this cost is $14,500 to $19,000. Some is the result of inflation, much more in the case of “alternatives” the result of Rule interpretation by ADEQ. When one attempts to factor in the economic impact of agency’s proposed Nitrogen Management Area, one can only guess at how much more this will cost those caught in that bureaucratic milieu. The agency has chosen to side step and not honorably address the actual economic impact their Rule and now their proposed Revisions will have upon the citizens of Arizona.

What is heart breaking is many individuals from various backgrounds and disciplines attempted to question ADEQ on the economic impact and where never granted a reply. Might one ask, why not ... ?

The preamble alludes that virtual unanimous consent has been reached with the REALTORS respecting the use of the agency’s presale septic inspection agreement form and format. Nothing can be further from the truth. There is concern in many areas of our State by very competent Realtors on the form and format of the proposed ADEQ presale septic inspection. Moreover the current rule stipulates the fee charged for this inspection is to be remitted to the respective county. ADEQ now envisions this fee is to be remitted to ADEQ, while performing absolutely nothing. The respective County is the current depository of all documentation and is the “lead” agency whenever any issues arise. ADEQ performs nothing and expects to get paid for it. I don’t think so.

The preamble notes ADEQ desire to designate Nitrogen Management Areas, which when read closely is merely a granting of omnibus power to this agency without clear delineation of any problem. The agency is saying we will declare an area to have a nitrogen problem and stipulate the solution. Is the solution envisioned by ADEQ more multi-million dollar “big-pipe” solutions like that imposed on Lake Havasu City...?

It is interesting to note the agency’s preamble indicates approx. 5% each year of all NEWLY installed residential onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems are in a category commonly called – “alternatives” – which strikes many of us as out of sync. Are we to honorably conclude that since inception of this rule in 2001 there would not be a slight increase each year in that percentage of systems of property incorporating the attributes of requiring installation of an alternative type of system...?

Governor, in an age where governmental personnel are most often tasked beyond endurance, it seems foolish when generously offered primarily without any form of compensation from the State of Arizona, the time and talents of individuals representing a plethora of backgrounds, disciplines, ranging from Count Environmental Health professionals to currently licensed Professional Engineers, to retired ADEQ personnel, product vendors, suppliers, contractors, homeowners and others who came to the table and granted the State the benefit of their collective wisdom only to have their efforts rejected out of hand by ADEQ. This is the legacy of your Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.

As a very competent attorney, and our former Attorney General of Arizona, Governor, you are undoubted aware of “bad faith” negotiation. While it grieves me, Governor, I challenge your Director of Environmental Health to prove to the citizens of Arizona, the agency he heads has in fact dealt honorably and truthfully in all aspects promulgating this rule revision, and has not chosen a path of obfuscation and half-truths.

I am asking you to exercise the power of your personal magnetism and ask the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to come back to the table in the spirit of cooperation, open mindedness, and truthfulness and join with us to put into place a rule with wisdom and longevity.

Were we to choose to honor that, for which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his life, striving to reach that plateau where we live in honor and truth, let it begin here and let it begin now.



The “force” is alive and resonates …

The original George Lucas … Star Wars trilogy … and the movie trilogy … Lord of the Rings …. these movies along with … Mr. Smith goes to Washington … JFK ... All the President’s Men … The Candidate … Primary Colors … Nixon … The Pelican Brief … The Manchurian Candidate … Seven Days in May… Fahrenheit 911 … The Corporation …Citizen Kane … The Best Man … For Whom the Bells Tolls … The Magnificent Seven …Open Range … Dances with Wolves … The Last Samurai …Network …Norma Rae … Dave … Gandhi … “V” for Vendetta … speak to and address aspects of the darker side of the - “force” - to borrow a term George Lucas popularized.

History taught in American schools at all levels continuing through college and beyond is based solely upon popular myths always denoting Americans as benevolent and honest. The prevailing perception instilled in Americans since “we” first landed in “numbers” on the shores of the North American continent has NOT been to openly and honestly admit we chose to subjugate all indigenous nature cultures. The need to subjugate any indigenous people is not unique to “we” predominately “white” Americans who so proudly established and imposed our culture upon others. It is, I propose, a human trait engrained in our DNA over the ensuing millennia.

The perception that today “we” Americans are a nation comprised of benevolent honorable and truthful citizens is exposed daily for the “phony” myth it truly is. The precepts as foundation beliefs are manipulated minute by minute by the powerful over those without power, not only upon those in our nation, but by force of will upon citizens of many sovereign nations.

The “darker” side of the “force” dwells as an insidious malevolent entity within each of us, acted out by those whose inner voice leads them to conclude they are entitled.

The notion that some are entitled to more than others has over the millennium given rise to voluminous number of rules, regulations, laws, decrees, proclamations, actions, policies, declarations, assertions, edicts, affirmations, statues, claims, allegations, charges, directives, guidelines, parameters, limits, restrictions, constraints, checks, controls, orders, commands, dominion, supremacy, muscle and power all designed to project and create fear thwarting any notion of rebellion by those enslaved to these oppressive but totally cosmetic and artificially promulgated concepts.

Since 2000 in the ensuing nearly eight years the people of our world have witnessed an unrivaled proliferation and infusion of “fear” in all of its many forms. The once cherished notion of “common ground or common good” has given way to hardened polarization of perspectives devoid of the opportunity to choose to attain mutually advantageous resolution. Today, we need identify the winners and we need most assuredly to identify the losers and in the process castigate them making damn sure they know they are the losers and to be rightfully subjugated at the sole discretion of the winners.

The so-called winners in America today comprise approx. one percent (1%) of the total population of our nation based upon financial wealth and the power which flows from wealth. With impunity, this extremely selective minority are able through the exercise of “fear” to effectively control the lives of the remaining 99% of us.



Your Governor Napalitano – and your FDA – AMA – “big pharma” – are keeping a sharp eye on you – they believe only they know what’s best for you …


And what you should purchase as well as where. And that is only at their corporate sponsor’s store, of course. Well excuse me, but I don’t like so..! Stay the hell out of any of the choices I make respecting anything I put into my body in any form, and moreover it’s none of your damn business where I choose to purchase it.

From the perspective of their corporate puppeteers, Governor Napolitano, our US Congress, the AMA and big “pharma” it is absolutely A-OK for them to utilize “us” – that’s you and me – fundamentally without our consent, as guinea pigs for their research manipulating the results to fatten their bottom line profits, while hiding any long term debilitating health affects of their “wonder” drugs.

Believe what you choose. But for me this is nothing more than manipulative corporate propaganda. Shakespeare, said it far better writing in Macbeth their utterances are . . . “full of sound and fury signifying nothing” . . . And like “Deep Throat” continually noted to the Washington Post Reporters in … All The President’s Men … just follow the money.

It’s really just that simple.



“We” – that’s you and me – allowed “corporate” controlled mass media to take our eye off the ball, now “W” chooses to further “gut” EPA and the intent of the Clean Water Act . . .?


Katrina’s devastation was exacerbated as a result of the arbitrary and capricious devastation of the “wetlands” that once helped formed a protective barrier. Much of the devastation to the protective “wetlands” around New Orleans was to benefit “corporate” oil and gas interests.

New Orleans is not the only area of our nation to be victim of “corporate” greed. In Arizona, our Governor and her ADEQ have chosen to allow developers to indiscriminately pollute our potable water both above and below ground.

Wetlands that once existed along the shores of the Great Lakes are either gone or reduced to polluted unusable ground the result of “agri-business” corporate farming practices. Wetlands around the shores of the Chesapeake Bay are in a prodigious fight in an attempt to renew.

“W” chooses to implement rules and regulations to allow his EPA to make it more difficult for agencies and citizens trying to protect our waters. Secure with our heads buried securely in the ground – ostriches – we hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil.

Truly ignorance is bliss….



You need to decide though a large body of “corporate” produced evidence has produced no link …gee what a surprise…!


But wait who produced this large body of evidence designed to disprove any link between “mercury-based” preservative in routine childhood vaccines and autism…?

Would you be surprised to learn this large body of evidence was presented by the pharmaceutical firm’s purchased research…? Research performed according to the “objective” standards set by ExxonMobil’s science on global warming.

Risking looking behind the curtain, like Dorothy dared in the Wizard of Oz, reveals a plethora of players whose objective is solely to increase their bottom line, your health and $afety are of absolutely no importance.

An interesting anecdotal piece of evidence you may choose to verify for yourself, is prior to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation providing “western” medicine in the form of vaccines to Africa, autism was virtually nonexistent. Surprise, surprise after the introduction of “western” vaccines, autism in Africa has increased significantly.

But, hey, there’s no correlation, hey, right….?


asarco largess and our governor's gift

$27.8M Asarco settlements include Hayden's $4.8M
By Gabriela Rico …Arizona Daily Star …Tucson, Arizona Published: 01.25.2008
More than 270 people who filed claims for damages caused by the Hayden smelter will receive a $4.8 million unsecured claim under a settlement with Tucson-based copper producer Asarco LLC. It was one of three settlements, worth $27.8 million, the company reached with people in three states who originally demanded more than $1 billion from the copper-mining company for personal-injury and property damages, according to court documents filed Wednesday. Asarco has asked the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Corpus Christi, Texas, to approve the settlements. They would then become part of an eventual exit plan from the bankruptcy, though they are not guaranteed to be paid in full, said Doug McAllister, Asarco's executive vice president and general counsel. The town of Hayden — about 70 miles north of Tucson — is still being proposed as a Superfund site by the Environmental Protection Agency because of potentially toxic levels of arsenic and lead in the soil and air. Asarco has offered to conduct the cleanup instead of having the process overseen by the EPA, which would then bill the company. Gov. Janet Napolitano has given the EPA, Asarco and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality until March 31 to find a cleanup solution among themselves.

28 million dollar large$$ and Asarco gets to write their own ticket on how to clean up the toxic levels of arsenic and lead in the soil and air they gifted to the Town of Hayden…?

If I’m Asarco, I take this deal in a New York minute and laugh all the way to the bank.

This is a compelling tribute to the impunity “we” – that’s you and me – choose to grant to corporate-for-profit companies, pollute in any manner whatsoever our collective ecosystem, but “we” won’t hold you accountable or responsible…?

Oops, I forgot, our Governor will grant Asarco the opportunity to clean up the environmental mess it created.

WOW … the fox gets to guard his own hen house … now that’s a demonstration of wise leadership….?

Want to know who is ultimately accountable and responsible … take a good look in the mirror … !


everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts." … attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan among a number of others.
We are entering the dawning of the New Year 2008 ushering in a time calling upon us – that’s you and me – to make a number of decisions, not the least of which is to select among the current political contenders a new President of these United States of America. Not an easy task when facts available to us have been selectively filtered so as to render them utterly useless devoid of any honesty. The apparent ground rules in today’s political arena are to define and present one’s opinion as fact. And summarily “we” – that’s you and me – are suppose to accept it as such on face value. And quite interestingly, for the most part voluntarily “we” do.
Presidential political contenders are not alone in their use of opinions as fact as in Arizona “we” accept the prevailing governmental mantra of unrestricted growth as environmentally sustainable. That virtually every source of our drinking water is in one form or another contaminated and polluted is by convenience buried out of sight and out of mind. That the two fundamental ingredients required by mankind to support life are continuously and profoundly being compromised daily does not appear on either our individual or collective radar scopes. The air we breathe and the water we ingest we treat as nothing more than garbage receptacles into which we summarily dump the trash we produce during the course of our daily lives.
That “we” appear unable and unwilling to choose to make the time to concur on “the facts” we unflinchingly contribute to permitting any opinion to become in the eye of the beholder – fact. The resulting milieu is therefore devoid of fact and represents nothing more than a collective of unsubstantiated opinions. From this condition “we” are asked to formulate decisions about who to cast our vote for to serve as President of our country or ascertain whether the information presented by corporate controlled mass media is substantive fact or jingoistic propaganda designed to ring up and add to the financial bottom line of the supporters/advocates of unrestricted environmentally unsustainable growth.

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america's elite excoriate 'green' in their backyard

Cape Wind: Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics and the Battle for Our Energy Future …By Wendy Williams and Robert Whitcomb, Public Affairs Books …Posted on June 8, 2007, Printed on June 11, 2007 … … Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from Wendy Williams and Robert Whitcomb's new book, "Cape Wind: Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, and the Battle for Our Energy Future on Nantucket Sound" (Public Affairs, 2007)….EXERPTED

David McCullough's face contorted with anger. "It's outrageous!" he yelled. He sounded like anyone but the mellow, well-measured man of letters who narrated tales of American history on national television. Indeed, the popular author sounded quite overwrought. Nantucket Sound, he shouted, is "hallowed ground." This time, however, he was sounding his own battle cry, crowing his promotion to general in the seaside civil war, a war that had become an internationally watched conflict over the future of energy and of America's air, coasts and oceans.
Rarely, however, did McCullough appear at public meetings about the wind farm. Indeed, like so many of the beautiful people engineering the public show of fury over Cape Wind, the television star and author preferred controlled, closed-door situations. Tonight, though, after refusing a request for a formal interview, he sputtered on. "This is visual pollution," he complained. He was unable to stop talking. As he and his entourage departed the building, the sentences trailed after him, like leaves blowing in a high wind.
Already drowning in money, the southern shoreline, now made famous by the Kennedy family, was swamped by a storm-surge of development. Today, much of Cape Cod is a highly commercial, Disneyesque version of what was once a very lovely seaside area. Along the south shore and on Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, colonies of the rich and the hyper-rich flourish as never before -- not just multimillion-dollar folk but really rich people such as Jack Welch, once leader of General Electric; Paul Fireman of Reebok; Douglas Yearley, longtime chairman of Phelps Dodge mining and board member of Marathon Oil Corp.; and William Koch, inheritor of money from Koch Industries, a massive, privately held energy company heavily into fossil fuels. Like Fidelity's Abigail Johnson, ranked America's 12th richest person in 2005 by Forbes magazine, some represent financial money. Some, like Koch, come from purely industrial wealth. Many, like the Mellons and the DuPonts and the Kennedys, have been there for decades.

America’s elite excoriate “green” in their backyard…?

Yet another classic example of America’s elite – corporate – political – motion picture – communication – decrying placing “green” enterprises in their backyard.

These excoriations include: the Kennedy family clan, Jack Welch of GE, Paul Freeman of Reebok, Douglas Yearley of Phelps Dodge, William Koch of Koch Industries big into fossil fuel, as well as the Mellons, and the DuPonts.

It’s OK for these folks to “blow” hot air, but it is not OK for “mother-nature” to produce energy from the hot air they produce.

As so eloquently demonstrated by America’s elite …. “stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.” … Chris Lowe


surprising welfare queen

Wal-Mart: The Ultimate Corporate Welfare Queen
By Joshua Holland … Posted on June 5, 2007, Printed on June 6, 2007 … EXERPTED
Wal-mart Subsidy Watch is new website that came online today to track the millions in corporate welfare that the notorious chain store sucks up each year -- subsidies that help the store that's done so much to downgrade what it means to be an American worker continue to reap healthy profits while keeping its everyday low prices low.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which is often accused of growing at the expense of smaller retailers, continues to benefit enormously from state and local government economic development subsidies, including 39 deals worth more than $200 million in just the past three years. This according to Good Jobs First, a non-profit research group which today issued an update of its landmark 2004 report Shopping for Subsidies, which found more than $1 billion in subsidies for Wal-Mart facilities.
Details of the 39 new deals, combined with more than 240 deals from the 2004 report, are available on a new searchable website called Wal-Mart Subsidy Watch ( ). The original 2004 Shopping for Subsidies report and other Good Jobs First material can be found at . The new website also contains a summary of disclosures made by about two dozen states on the number of Wal-Mart workers (or their dependents) who have enrolled in taxpayer-funded healthcare programs such as Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.
"What we said in 2004 still holds true today: Wal-Mart presents itself as an entrepreneurial success story, yet it routinely gets big tax breaks, free land, cash grants and other forms of taxpayer assistance," said Philip Mattera, research director of Good Jobs First.
This kind of project is important because it cuts to the heart of conservative's main economic fraud: that they favor "free markets." Economist Dean Baker laid out the importance of challenging that notion in an interview last year. "What the conservatives have done," Baker told me, "is they've rigged the deck. They've made sure that certain people come out ahead, that income flows upward, and that other people are put at a disadvantage -- and these things are built into the rules of the system. And then what they want to do -- in talking about 'free markets' -- is they want to kick back and say, 'No, no, no; those are the rules, and we can't talk about them.' They don't want to talk about how the deck is rigged; they want us to fight over the small scraps."
It's hard to imagine a more obvious example of that than huge Wal-mart racking up the subsidies while rolling over mom-and-pop businesses in communities across the country.
So go take a look at how much lucre Wal-mart's sucking out of your local taxes -- you can search by city and state. And e-mail the results to that ditto-heard neighbor who's always getting on your last nerve bitching about how the gum'mint shouldn't intervene in "free" markets. Put in the subject line: "Apparently, free markets aren't free!"

It's hard to imagine a more obvious example of that than huge Wal-Mart racking up the subsidies while rolling over mom-and-pop businesses in communities across the country.

Ignorance is bliss …
