Thursday, July 31, 2008

when citizens ask for government regulators to intervene

Perspective for your consideration…

When citizens ask for government regulators to intervene in their behalf, what happens.., surprise … nothing … just more endless talk …

Item # 1 …Pecan Creek residents and Johnson Utilities Co. VP share their views on the recent untreated sewage flow into the city streets and nearby Queen Creek Wash. 6/17/2008 … VIDEO …

Item # 2 … Johnson Utility wants Queen Creek to remove warning from Web … Tribune... Sarah J. Boggan ….

I have spent the better part of the last 30 years installing and servicing sewage pumping facilities like those described in the video referenced in item #1. In a word the position espoused by Johnson Utilities is – bull shit – it’s nothing more than a cop-out for poor or non existent maintenance on sewage pumping equipment. What I find interesting and which to date remains off the radar screen of most consulting engineers, government regulators and designers is the time when any sewage pumping facility is most vulnerable to problems is during the build out stages of any subdivision or project. Historically this is the time when these types of facilities are susceptible to finding a literal mosaic of debris entering the sewer system. During this build out stage is when mop heads plumbing tabs, screwdrivers, rails, screws, paint, i.e., building materials mysteriously find their way into the waste stream all the while every craft of the site claiming it’s not them.

The problems and issues related to ownership of any form of storm or sewage pumping apparatus is not limited nor does it end at build-out, as the “make-up” of the project contributes significantly to the type and extent of problems they will face. Those pumping facilities located in projects where the preponderance of folks are older, do not face to the extent the issue of diapers, toys and items normally associated with homes with children of all ages. Those pumping facilities located in projects with higher than average females most generally find a significantly higher proportion of feminine hygiene products which can become the bane to the operator of any facility.

Over time one learns to rather easily discern the composition of the folks making up those whose sewage flows into a particular pumping site. Very real and distinctive tell-tale signs exist. Driving through a neighbor gives me a sense of what the composition of any area is and what they might expect.

Ownership of any form of sewage pumping apparatus, whether residential, commercial, municipal or industrial, is an undertaking of a never ending long term commitment and obligation that can not forever be forgotten. Forgotten when it does raise its head – as it must inevitably do – it will be ugly and costly too.

Those whose property require the installation of any form of storm or sewage pumping facility assume a responsibility which in part requires they operate and maintain these devices so as NOT to create for you and me any form of health hazard. But, you know what, we do not have any “teeth” or enforcement mechanism or other punitive measure in rule or law which are reliable and viable. And, that was done consciously and by choice, you see your ADEQ operates to protect them, not you. And this tacit protection extends to all homeowner’s, too, as we don’t care if they pollute the very water you and I will drink tomorrow, if not today.

… “to serve, to protect” … is a mantra we should by now have learned is a responsibility we must take for our own.



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