The above the fold headline line in the Thursday – 7-17-08 – issue of The Arizona Republic headline – JUNE INFLATION FIGURES STARTLING - serves the politicians and corporate stakeholder’s agenda adding fuel to fan the flames to have you and me – be afraid, be very afraid.
Have any of us made the time to stop for a few moments and quietly reflect upon how we have been manipulated to react since that fateful day of Sept. 11th….? We have been deliberately manipulated and hammered with artificially manufactured “fear” one after another. This is not a discussion into your choice as to whether or not our government, and therefore us, had any calculability into either the events leading to 9/ll or its staging. That’s ancient history. The reality we face as a result of this deliberate manufacturing of “press releases” dutifully reported to us as “facts” by now government minions, once known as the free press, is to promote fear in every form.
A day does not go by when we are not bombarded with some new allegation of misuse, mistreatment, misappropriation, misdirected, misguided and/or malfeasance designed to keep us on the edge of our seat worried concerned, confused and totally distrustful in our own personal sovereignty and wisdom.
FDR stated it well when he noted … “only thing we have to fear is fear itself” … And as corporate America has learned in the last seven years, selling fear is extremely lucrative and highly profitable.
At one time we educated our youth exposing them to the challenges as well as the opportunities to which the early settlers of our nation were exposed. They met those challenges and used those opportunities to establish a nation once with unparallel natural resources and bounty. That we have essentially squandered it is another topic. My father’s generation met head on the Great Depression and as a nation we survived and learned and from that attempted to devise social mechanisms for the benefit of all. Today those once viable social mechanisms have been repealed, revamped, remodeled, relabeled and redesigned to feed the economic capitalist machine of a select few at the expense of the many. The few gorging themselves feeding leisurely at an unlimited trough, made possible by the efforts of many, while the many have little or nothing breeds not only fear but leads to hate.
Overcoming fear is an inside personal job one that others can enhance and/or assist to the extent of offering when appropriate a helping hand, an encouraging word, a smile, a pat on the back, reaching out to help one up when they fall and being ever vigilant and truthful in one’s word. It’s easy to give into fear, as I have on occasion done in my life, perhaps so have you. Despondent we become, remorseful, easily lead astray as we’ve given up listening to our inner “whisper voice” resonating what is truthful to us, if we but make the time to listen. That revolution, I spoke about at other times, is now, is here. The revolution begins within you and me as we individually and collectively throw off all the unfounded artificial manufactured fear we’ve been instructed to believe and endorse It’s up to each of us it’s a choice we each must make. And make alone.
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