trusting water safety to the infallibility of machines
Trusting “safety” and your health to the infallibility of machines... ?
Local newspaper headlines … ALARM FAILURE LEAD TO TCE CONTAMINATION . . .
WOW …. ! Just look at all this neat stuffAnd when the machines “fail” don’t you worry as those “we” elected to serve and protect us will spring into action and levy a fine against your water purveyor. Of course your water purveyor writes off these fines as a business expense on their taxes. But, hey, we’re looking out for you…! And when they need the next rate increase your ACC will happily oblige, after all they helped me get elected.
But these same machines failed three months earlier and …? Nothing, not one of those individuals, we elected to serve and to protect did a damn thing.
“We” allowed our government to permit another layer of “for-profit-corporate” interests to be sandwiched between the responsible parties, i.e. – Motorola – for the illegal dumping of TCE years ago. Moreover “we” now permit all the parties involved – our elected public officials, water purveyor, City of Scottsdale, ADEQ, EPA, Motorola and Arizona American Water Company and their legal mouth pieces the luxury to meet behind closed doors to discuss how to posture this most recent episode that got of hand and was actually “aired” and seen by the public.
Waving one’s hands, pointing fingers, pontificating as Mr. Takata of the EPA chooses does not resolve the underlying fundamental issue that the “government” we look to, to serve and to protect us, truly does not as it sold out long ago to private for profit corporate interests.
Time to take a close look into the mirror and see the reflection of that individual solely accountable and responsible for your safety and health…!
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