Monday, July 21, 2008

equitable for whom

I truly need your assistance to understand how the current promoters, $upporterS, and beneficiarie$ of the recently concluded $uper Bowl feel taxing all citizens of Arizona to enable “metro” Phoenix to ho$t this event in 2012 is of any benefit to folks living in Kingman, Prescott, Flagstaff, Alpine, Bowie, Parker, Ajo, Askfork, Seligman, Valentine, Hackberry, Tec Nos Pos, Keams Canyon, Winslow, Holbrook or Hayden...?

I find it truly amazing how those $elect financial beneficarie$ from the 2008 $uper Bowl can with a straight face say … “but for the state to stay competitive, taxpayers need to shoulder the majority of the game costs” … What…? It is I submit a huge leap to suggest the folks living in those communities as well as a host of other unnamed communities saw or felt even one dime’s worth of benefit, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologicaly, spiritualty, or financially from the recenlty condluded $uper Bowl.

And then they have the gall to add … “but it seems that it’s more equitble that this is a responsibility borne more and more broadly by the public” … can you believe the greed…?

Equitable for whom…?



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