Monday, July 21, 2008

take a good look at the reflection in your mirror

Tainted water topic as council, water firm meet
Diana Balazs…The Arizona Republic…Jan. 25, 2008 12:00 AM
PARADISE VALLEY - Arizona American Water officials will meet with the Paradise Valley Town Council today to discuss last week's TCE contamination at its treatment plant in Scottsdale. A malfunction allowed water tainted with trichloroethylene, a potentially toxic chemical, to enter the water supply of nearly 5,000 customers in Paradise Valley and Scottsdale. Today's meeting, which is open to the public, will begin at 10 a.m. in the Paradise Valley Town Hall boardroom, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive. The council will take no action but will review last week's incident, which included a three-day ban on using water for consumption. The town's Police Department assisted Arizona American with distributing thousands of gallons of free bottled water at the Town Hall during the ban, which began Jan. 16. Police used a reverse-911 phone-message system to alert customers when the ban was lifted Saturday. A phone-message system used by Arizona American to alert its customers to the TCE contamination failed to reach many. Today's special meeting is the first public session where Arizona American officials will be present. State and federal hearings are planned for February.

You’re invited to attend this public “dog and pony” show, but those you elected …”to serve and to protect” … you will take no action respecting the TCE you were forced to consume. And for this, you should be grateful…?

That your health was endangered and your government does not want to go … “on the record” … respecting the actions of Arizona American Water company says a whole bunch to me, what about you…?

Maybe you’re of the belief that “bottled” water is actually “safer” – surprise – surprise.

Hey, not to worry, if you miss this show you can still catch the next one in February, which ought to be much more fun given this is an election year and you’re going to see all those running for office seeking their 30 second sound bite of instant fame.

Want to know who is ultimately accountable and responsible … take a good look at the reflection in your mirror…?



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