startegy is to turn up the heat on the governor
“Our strategy is to turn up the heat on the governor” . . .
MARI HERRERAS journalist writes - Vail, Arizona area neighbors fight mining interests and wonder if their only hopes rest with Governor Napolitano. The Arizona State Land Department approved new leases last year for three limestone-mining claims. The leases--still working their way through litigation--bring up the on-again, off-again debate about Arizona's laws that govern mining and state trust land reform. State Land Commissioner Mark Winkleman states that the land department is not required to consider public comment, but that it serves at the pleasure of the governor.
Vial residents indicate …"Our strategy is to turn up the heat on the governor. We wanted to stay cordial with the land trust, but that hasn't been getting us anywhere," Carson says. "It's time to get out from behind the measures (Napolitano) is using and stand for what she means." According to Jamie L. Hogue, deputy state land commissioner, the laws that govern mining and the state land trust will prevail, not special instructions from the governor.
I don’t think one need be Einstein to determine the express voice and determination of the people can not deter corporate mining from achieving their objective.
You really think Napolitano gives a damn what these people…?
It’s called campaign funding folks….
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