Friday, July 18, 2008

scoff is you choose

Climate Change: The World's Biggest Security Threat … By Nicole Itano, Christian Science Monitor. Posted March 18, 2008…. EXCERPTED …
Unchecked climate change could spark instability in energy-producing states and lead to the collapse of fragile states around the world. Rising sea levels are what some nations fear most about global warming. But in Europe, climate change is likely to mean a new flood of immigrants from Africa and other poorer countries, according to a new report. That was one of the issues before the heads of state from the 27-member European Union as they gathered in Brussels Thursday and Friday to address climate change and, in particular, the security threats it raises. Unchecked climate change could not only cause a flood of new environmental migrants to Europe, it could spark instability in energy-producing states and lead to the collapse of fragile states around the world. Climate change, the report says, is a "threat multiplier" which "intensifies existing trends, tensions, and instability."

Scoff if you choose, but even here in Arizona “we” are feeling the affects of this “threat multiplier” as SRP drones on about how it will “take” all the water in the Verde River at the expense of communities like Prescott, Chino Valley, Cottonwood, Sedona and even Williams..?

Scoff if you choose that Arizona holds JUNIOR rights to the vaunted Colorado River and should an “emergency” be declared, guess who loses their Colorado River water, first, yup – Arizona.

Scoff if you choose looming just beneath the surface is a pending water fight with our neighbors to the South – Mexico – over both the quantity and the quality of water “we” are permitting to flow to them down the Colorado River.

When “we” have finally had our belly full of this nonsense and choose to collectively roll up our sleeves and assume the rightful legal power which is ours, “we” can in a New York minute turn this around.

It all begins and ends with – us.



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