Friday, July 18, 2008

avoid facing reality and truth

AVOID FACING TRUTHDo you find it as amazing as I, the extremes to which “we” will go to avoid facing the truth…?

And I most assuredly must include “moi” in that assessment, how about you…?

Rather than face head on and straight away the plethora of issues and interconnectedness of our earth’s ecosystem, we choose to separate these aspects into – stand alone – artificial categories. “We” extend to those representing these separate artificial categories status as “experts” in their field, most often failing to take into account how these categorical and artificial separate endeavors are at their essence and core all interconnected.

Then when aspects of this interconnection manifest we are surprised as we were caught unaware, the result of the limitation of the scope of our field of vision. The apparent increased melting of the polar ice caps resulting in the potential demise of the polar bear. The collision course depicted between energy and water. “We” have chosen not to address the uncharted conflict between unrestricted population growth and availability of water. “We” have avoided at all cost addressing any of those health issues associated with the disposal of chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals into every form of water.

Yet “we” steadfastly mouth that “we” support “green” …? Green what …? The only green “we” honestly and continuously $upport is what we can put into our pocket$.

Like the driver of the car in the cartoon, “we” will go to any lengths, no matter how extreme, to avoid addressing and facing what might be true. “We” live in denial. “We” live in escapism. “We” live in utter fear of what might be true and like the ostriches “we” have been trained and taught to become “we” seek solace in feinting being deaf, dumb and blind.



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