Friday, July 18, 2008

lets move forward together

The New York Times bestselling author and America's funniest activist gives the lowdown on how to put up-not shut up-in the fight for our future
Hightower, the country's #1 populist, has picked up some useful advice over the years, from never eat at a cafe featuring 'bargain kebobs' to never hit a man with glasses; hit him with something much heavier. As he has rambled through grassroots America, however, they've also come up with more serious words of wisdom to share here, namely: question authority, trust your values, seek alternatives, break away, stand up for your beliefs, and swim against the current
The book introduces readers to people across the country who have actually done this-people in business, politics, health care, farming, religion, and other areas who are taking charge, living their values, doing good, and doing well. They show how they are doing precisely what the elites want us to believe can't be done: changing their lives and making a difference. He tells the stories of these people and offers inspiration and information that will help readers tap into their own maverick potential in order to navigate a different, more satisfying course of their own.
Whether they are young and just starting out or older and searching for a different path, the commonsense folks in this book have escaped the corporate tentacles to find their own way toward a richer life and a better American future. They are creating a new, deeply democratic model for the country, edging it back onto the long road toward egalitarianism and the common good.

A most refreshing and reinvigorating approach to living.

YES, “we” – that’s you and me – can well make a huge difference, but “we” – have to want to be accountable and responsible for all aspects of our life.

And equally, “we” need to choose to see benefit in the pursuit of the “common good”…?

They have and they control today because “we” have chosen to allow them to kick our butt and to run rough shod over us.

The baton is being passed and “we” have the opportunity to accept it and move forward together or continue to permit “others” to keep that baton for themselves and to define our lives’…?

Let’s grab the baton and collectively move forward in a positive manner



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