Friday, July 18, 2008

robots for deception

Don't bail out those who put us here
OK, here it comes: The unthinkable is about to become the inevitable.
Last week, Robert Rubin, the former Treasury secretary, and John Lipsky, a top official at the International Monetary Fund, both suggested that public funds might be needed to rescue the U.S. financial system. Lipsky insisted that he wasn't talking about a bailout. But he was.
It's true that Henry Paulson, the current Treasury secretary, still says that any proposal to use taxpayers' money to help resolve the crisis is a "nonstarter." But that's about as credible as all of his previous pronouncements on the financial situation.
So here's the question we really should be asking: When the feds do bail out the financial system, what will they do to ensure that they aren't also bailing out the people who got us into this mess?
Let's talk about why a bailout is inevitable.

Dissemination of IED’s – Insinuations – Exaggerations – Distortions – are perfectly acceptable and a part of our American hubris…?

So is misdirection, double-speak, lip-service all “nonstarters” but all willingly accepted by us as representing the truth.

What allows us to be so amenable and suggestible to these very overt forms of deceptive manipulation…?

Have “we” become so passively robotic that “we” are unable to clearly delineate and separate the “wheat from the chaff” …?

What does it take to honestly capture our attention, create awareness and motivate us to action…?

Or are “we” so satiated “we” enjoy being the ostrich for corporate America…?

It’s simply a matter of choice… !



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