The Big Certification PictureCertification overview for POE & POU products- By Rick Andrew – Water Products Magazine -
Most of us tend to think of product certification in terms of testing. Product testing is, after all, one of the cornerstones of product certification. However, there are many other requirements for product certification that must be taken into consideration by those manufacturers engaged in or contemplating working with a product certification group. With this in mind, let’s step back and examine the full spectrum of requirements associated with certification of point-of-entry (POE) and point-of-use (POU) products—and of course, we’ll include testing.
Certification Starts with Documentation
From this wetted parts list stems additional documentation of complete formulations for each material in contact with drinking water. This documentation can be one of the most onerous tasks related to certification because it requires the cooperation of all of the companies who formulate materials that contact water in the end product. And although this requirement is difficult and time consuming, it is required by Section 4 of all of the NSF/ANSI DWTU standards
POE – POU – ANSI – NSF – EPA – USDA – ADWR – ADEQ part of the lexicon used by those engaged in the water and wastewater industry – government – engineers - regulators – academia - contractors – manufacturers – vendors – understand what they are and what their function is, right…?
I’ll be wiling to give you LV odds of 10 to 1, that you can’t find 2 out of ten of those noted above who can and will honestly describe what each of these are or what they do…?
What you will find is pabulum descriptions notably discounting or deliberately dismissing the “interlocking” of most of these participants.
What is hidden and carefully camouflaged is the “revolving-door” that exists among most of these participants. Current governmental regulators leave to become engineers in the very industry they once regulated. Or become part of academia entering into dubiously designed testing protocols of products and process under the guise of NSF (a vendor supported testing facility) or ANSI (protocol established by some of the nation’s largest engineering firms in consort with academia).
Why are “we” – that’s you and me – not at this table providing the type of oversight which can only be provided by an independent third party without any potential financial entanglements…?
Why, because we’ve allowed ourselves to be “hoodwinked” by them. We’ve allowed ourselves to believe in the power and control with omnificence they choose to project.
Just follow the money trail and $urpri$e, $urpri$e
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