Monday, July 21, 2008

drop the hammer on the small guy, make headlines, allow government properties to pollute

BIG BUG CANYON COUNTRY NEWS …. Friday, June 01, 2007 … Bruce Colbert … BB/CC News … AG's office considers suing Mary Kerr … Gambel Quail park’s wastewater treatment plant discharge permit expired Dec. 31, 2006… EXERPTED Even as Gambel Quail Mobile Home and RV Park owner Mary Kerr has one lawsuit in litigation against her for polluting the Big Bug Creek, the Arizona Attorney General's Office is considering filing another suit against her based on information it received from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.In 2004, ADEQ filed a lawsuit against Kerr in Maricopa County Superior Court."The lawsuit was filed against the mobile home park owner because the owner was not filing monitoring reports which are monitored by ADEQ monthly," said Mark Shaffer, ADEQ communications director."There were repeated violations of dumping too much chloroform bacteria into Big Bug Creek and not giving public notice. That lawsuit still has not been resolved." Kerr disagrees with ADEQ.In July 2006, Mayer Domestic Water Improvement District closed two of its wells because of high nitrate levels. Nitrates come from raw sewage. The two wells - Chimney Ranch #1 and #2 - are located within the Gambel Quail park boundaries.After closing the wells, Casey Boone, Mayer water manager, said he suspected the nitrate levels spiked because of untreated or improperly treated discharge into the Big Bug Creek from Gambel Quail's septic system. The Chimney Ranch wells draw water from an aquifer underneath the creek.Gambel Quail's well sits within feet of MDWID's well and draws its water from the same aquifer. About 50 mobile homes receive water from the park's well. The park's septic system sits within feet of the wells and discharges effluent into the Big Bug Creek behind the trailer park.

Let’s see if I understand this correctly ADEQ in cooperation with Terry Goddard, AG, for Arizona seeks to “drop-the-hammer” on private enterprise allegedly engaging in an illegal discharge from a privately owned wastewater treatment plant…?

But, both ADEQ and the AG deliberately choose to turn their back when a private citizen brings irrefutable proof that Water World - a facility reputedly owned and operated by Maricopa County - has been operating with a failing septic systems for an unknown period of time…?

Most likely many of you have played baseball at this facility which in part is irrigated with raw sewage, but I doubt any government official made you aware.

This is an absolutely beautiful classic example of “do as we say, not as we do.”

How do I know, I’m the whistle-blower, so let the public vilification begin ….

Sorry, I won’t choke the prevailing line of ADEQ and AG governmental silence and Bull Shit down...! This a gross example of a government without any honor, and only “we” – that’s you and me – can change it, but “we” have to stop acting as a bunch of damn ostriches.

PS … I sent an email detailing this outrage to your Governor, State Legislators, State Senators, Maricopa County Environmental Health officials, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, AG’s office, and selected others and to date, surprise, no one representing any of the above referenced offices has chosen to reply.

Want to guess, why ……………… because this is the tip of an iceberg they damn sure don’t want any of you to ever get a glimmer of.

“Ignorance is bliss” … part of the contemporary prevailing governmental mantra that … “what you don’t know can’t hurt you” …

I don’t buy it but you’re free too….

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