To the editors of the Arizona Republic . . . it’s called freedom of choice, it’s called not giving into fear promulgated by the AMA and corporate pharmaceutical cartels and “secret session” EPA . . . so what part of this don’t you understand…?
Do you really believe that everyone believes that 24/7 jingoistic crap that passes as information and truth…?
There remain a few brave souls who choose to THINK for themselves, dangerous in these times, I know.
The science you quote is that purchased for sale by corporate controlled academia and reputedly open-minded “think tanks” – sorry but I’m just not buying their conclusions at all.
I do need to hand it to corporate America though, for most feed incessantly from their trough lapping up their genetically modified seeds, grains, eggs, bread, rice, meat and such. In the next moment wondering why they fall ill to a newly genetically modified parasite organism which torments and destroys the life they seek.
Vaccinations the Holy Grail have become for the AMA and corporate pharmaceutical America too. All their friends in EPA bury records or collect them not, minimize testing or request none, corporate profits trump human life you see.
Looking for a solution…? Ask all forms of government for the raw test data. Ask and demand pharmaceutical and AMA produce all the test results. How long were the tests…? Where were these tests performed…? Who performed the oversight…? Were “we” on board and occupy the prominent seat at the table…?
Show us the proof and we’ll gladly go along.
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