Wednesday, September 10, 2008

guilty we throw away 96 billion

Perspective for your consideration …What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

Headline – 9 Sept 08 – Arizona Republic … 2 arrested in theft of copper wire … Police: Pair aimed to sell scrap for food …

IT is fixed when Americans no longer throw away more than NINETY- SIX BILLION (96,000,000,000) pounds of edible food every year… !

Are “we” truly unable to see and feel the dichotomy and hypocrisy when assessing these two quite diverse statements about what we view as ethical, justified and honorable…?

Theft of anything is not acceptable, however, when “we” deliberately allow the elite and the select to tilt the economic and financial playing field for their own greed over the need of the many, is there not also a theft being perpetrated…?

When “we” permit us to promise delivery of an adequate and fair education to all on the one hand, while on the other denying funds to correct basic needs like proper sewage, is that not also – theft…?

When “we” permit the elite and select few to feed at the financial trough “we” underwrite (Fannie May and Freddie Mac most recently) is that not also – theft…?

When “we” allow giant corporations to reap financial rewards through our extension of generous tax benefits while deliberately closing the door on anyone choosing to “get-off-the-grid” is that not a form of theft…?

When “we” knowingly and continuous allow governmental agencies to camouflage and pull the wool over our eyes respecting the safety of the water we ingest is that not a form of theft…?

In a book flaunted by both preacher and daemon it is written… let he who is without sin cast the first stone … be my guest as I most assuredly don’t qualify…perhaps you do…?



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