Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Perspective for your consideration …What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

FUNDS FALL SHORT FOR SCHOOL REPAIRS … headline in 9-8-08, issue of Arizona Republic … so what does this say about our honesty and commitment to educating our children…?

I ask you, Governor Janet Napolitano, how can you expect our school aged youngsters to trust your word…? You made bold and proud statements to our State Legislature, to our state’s teachers, to our state’s student that YOU were their champion. YOU promised to “serve & protect” them. Is this the example of the noble manner in which you are choosing to honor your word…?

You ask to be looked upon as the inspirational leader of our State, the one to whom our school aged youngsters revere and hold in a place of honor. And when the going gets tough, you choose to “gut” them as a fisherman would the mullet he uses for bait. You and your advisors should have a better handle on the economy of our state than it appears you actually have…?

You chose to be that knight on the white horse championing the education of our youth no one forced that task upon you. You saw an opportunity to stake out a legacy position and took it. There it is, Governor, along with the obligation to live up to your commitments. Attempting to pass the buck to the 90 mental midgets, acting in behalf of special interests, masquerading in their capacity as members of our State Legislature doesn’t cut it you wear the mantle as champion.

When “we” – that’s you and me – choose to judge the future acts of these now school aged youngsters, let us remember that “we” did not live up to our collective commitment to them. When their actions and words brand us and cut us to the core emotionally, let us remember that shoe was on our foot and we too, in kind cut them to the core – you can't trust us…?

There is as Sir Issac Newton so eloquently pointed out many, many centuries past … for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction …

IT is fixed when the words we speak match the actions we take.



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