Perspective for your consideration …What does it look like when it’s fixed…?
The Associated Press reports … BUSH CAN BLOCK MAD-COW TESTING…
This is one of those occasions when I truly need your assistance. Please explain to me who benefits when President George W. Bush can summarily block a privately owned business from providing more testing than is required by any regulatory rule or law and at that business’s own expense…? Our federal governmental agencies are not negatively impacted in any way nor are they required to contribute any funds to support this business’s testing activity…? Why then would President George W. Bush logically block and prohibit a private business from engaging in any activity which does not negatively impact our national defense, our environment, our air or our water…? Why indeed…?
The article suggests the rationale is that other meat packing companies will have to conduct the reputed costly testing for … mad-cow disease …? No they do not, it’s simply a matter of choice on the part of every meat packing company. Or is this merely the tip of an iceberg industry does not want to see the light of day…? What is the meat packing industry trying to hide…?
Were in implications not so horrific, this is a total laugher, our President intercedes to prevent a privately owned business from attempting to provide a “better” and safer product to consumers. Is this what the vaunted American free-enterprise system has come to…?
What “IT” looks like when fixed for me is, a President of the United States would never choose to intercede into any action where health of his citizens was being given honest consideration, NO, he would take every legitimate means to support such endeavors.
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