another bail-out but not for you
Perspective for your consideration …What does it look like when it’s fixed…?
When the “press” does not see the need to turn its headlights on shenanigans like the Fannie and Freddie debacle it will be fixed.
This will not occur until we choose to hold those we elect to serve and to protect us fully accountable and responsible.
This implies that we take full accountability and responsibility for all of our own actions too. Blindly pointing and wagging our finger at the outrageous action “they” take is not a step towards honest personal accountability.
There will be another huge financial “bail-out” which you and I will pay for in spite of any claim any politician or candidate make. The current financial system of our nation is designed to benefit the corporation and those comprising the financial elite of our nation, fewer than 3% of the 300 million populating our nation.
There is not a week that passes into history which does not reveal another rip and tare in the economic fabric of our country. On the sidelines we stand seemingly immobilized unable or unwilling to take any action. We are not at all unlike the emaciated starving children with protruding eyes meekly standing awaiting a handout from “them.”
Looking to any form of “government” to do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves is foolish and will only meet with inevitable disaster. Government is a reflection of our collective will and for the past many years it has been our will to be complacent, lackadaisical and progressively more mentally and emotionally lazy.
It will change when we choose a different path individually and collectively but not until then. And all the rhetoric in the world from the mouths of any politician will not bring about the required change. They can, if they choose, provide the catalyst and the inspiration for change, but only by our individual and collective action will it manifest.
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