Friday, July 18, 2008


Gambling and man . . .

Many authors, scholars, shaman and sages have postulated since the dawn of man why man is drawn to gambling. And why gambling, games of chance and man are inexorably intertwined. And I for one believe they are right, what say you…?

One can retreat to a place of religiosity and proclaim not in my belief system is this gaming stuff. OK, then, how might you explain the first promulgated tenets of your belief…? Are you honestly suggesting those notions were solely independently random thoughts not influenced by the commonly held beliefs professed in that era of time…? I say some one chose to risk (gamble, if you will) that his/her voice and beliefs could be heard and chose to challenge the conformity then instilled.

As man evolved over time, place, color and tongue he brought with him some inner “force” giving rise to challenge, to risk, to gamble. I propose that gambling is infused deep within our DNA giving rise to why we exist.

To everything big or small at some level we attach a risk often remaining in the realm of the unaware, but not unknown. There is a gamble when we go to start our car, is the battery dead, a tire flat, or some other unforeseen circumstance, even a wreck.

Challenges, risks, gambling is the “juice” which drives us, gives us life, opens us to expand our vision, our horizon, to ask the question what might I/you/me/us not have considered…? Sometimes we do that automatically, internally, deliberately, often times we merely conform to the will of others. Even as we conform, we choose, we gamble his idea is better than my own.

When gambling and man is applied to water what is revealed…? What remains hidden out of sight…? Surely every time you turn on the water facet, we gamble they are delivering “safe” water to us to consume…? They wouldn’t deliberately withhold from us information which could be deleterious to our health…? We trust they are honestly transparent in everything they report about our water.

Though it is a desert in which I chose to dwell there’s honestly safe and sufficient water for us all…? They wouldn’t kid us about that, would they…? Deception is not a path they would follow …?

So you and me gamble they transparently and honestly report…?

We gamble daily on our very life.


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