Friday, July 18, 2008


Gone today in America passing into one of those magnificent sunset’s that so typified the Old West and its defiant spirit which for me was so indicative of where I was born and raised, though by the time I reached maturity acting defiantly was deemed politically, socially inappropriate and was scorned and condemned.
In 2008, America has but a hand full among us who are as willing as the young man in Tiedemann Square in China defiantly though passively standing to challenge the military oppression by China’s ruling class.

And Gandhi, who passively defied the British as he steadfastly, led India’s masses in opposition to dehumanizing rule by England.

Today in America the efforts expended by many of our political leaders through their minions in the oxymoron – Dept of Homeland Security – seek to keep all of us in a constant state of fear. Fear everything, fear everyone, fear anyone whose skin color is different than yours, fear anyone whose language is different and just live in fear. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

What we need is a good shot of open thoughtful defiance of the current status quo on many, many fronts. Pick an issue or topic, and I believe one can develop a most cogent as well as sympathetic argument to defy what is being presented and sold to us as – truth.

The truth is – we don’t know and apparently judging from our actions, we don’t want to know. We would much rather believe and act robotically as we have been educated and instructed by our ruling dominator class and corporate America.

Take the topic of education…? We do not choose to endorse or support … reading is fundamental … instead we’d rather our school aged youngsters receive their education from corporate owned mass media. Where is our collective outrage…? Why do we passively submit…?

Take the topic of water…? We continue to allow our political and bureaucratic leaders to perpetuate the myth there is sufficient and safe water available to support our attachment to unrestricted growth throughout the Southwest. In the face of indisputable long term data indicating that from the ‘get-go’ the Compact of the Colorado River upon which Arizona depends was over allocated and has only in extremely rare instances produced the flow upon which the compact is based. Yet, we read almost weekly about how Arizona’s major metro areas will sustain their growth as they will ‘tap’ into additional CAP water. If it did not have tragic consequences, it would be laughable.

Take the topic of airport security…? Or border security or the ubiquitously termed Homeland Security…? The action of those manipulating these agencies is to keep me and you living in absolute senseless unfounded fear.

Today in America our leaders need to manufacture a new “boogie-man” almost every day and to make this new daemon even more sinister and evil than the last one. Today’s new boogie-man is an uncontrollable and unidentified outbreak of salmonella in our fresh produce. Yesterday it was 143 million pounds of adulterated meat product. Before that it was Iran to build an atomic weapon, and before that the WMD that Saddam Hussein had secreted in Iraq, and before that (you fill in the blank) ????

These “boogie-men” cleverly and carefully constructed by our governmental and corporate leaders are orchestrated before us in a manner so as to have us singing along, like in times of old, when one followed the bouncing ball as it outlined the tone, cadence and words of their song.

Why, where, when did we become so easily lead…? At what point did we give up our individual accountability and responsibility…?

To be effective when one acts defiantly one need have an objective or goal. Today as our attention has been so cleverly distracted we find we are not able to focus on just one as we need fear everything and everyone. It is not by accident we find our senses are attacked and assaulted 24/7. They do not want you to make the time to slow down to terminate their noise machine allowing your “whisper voice” to resonate within. In such a state you might comprehend what really is happening to you and defiant you might truly become. Open defiance they can not tolerate nor condone as it breeds and is the source of their demise.

Open defiance was the pivotal foundation upon which we were taught our nation was formed. Today, it is the thing they most distrust and will go to any end to destroy. Dare speak out as is rightfully yours as provided by our constitution today and see how quickly they muster punitive forces to stop you. Dare to join a collective of folks who seek to explore to understand why things must operate only as they command and see how quickly incarcerated you will be. Today defiance in any form must be stopped it can not be allow to exist. You must conform, you shall or you face rendition to an undisclosed location of their choice.

And what do we do to anyone who defiantly takes any public stand…? We quickly chasten him or her, denouncing them in extremely harsh most often untrue terms, branding them as only tree-huggers, opportunists and traitors or worse. Defiance in any form can not be tolerated as it leads to their demise which they will not permit.

So when you hear a few take that risk and speak clearly concisely understandably about education, health, humanity or water it just might be in your long term best interest to give a listen. Most likely their words will contradict those spoken by the talking-heads on TV or what one reads in the multinational corporate owned newspapers or weekly journals. Neither size nor dominion over make anyone’s words truer than yours or mine. You and I both honestly know what is true as we can feel it as it resonates from within. We just need to learn to trust that which radiates from deep within. You know the place, you know how it feels and you have no doubt, feels good, doesn’t it…?

Defiance is NOT a dirty word. It does NOT a traitor make. It is where one’s truth resides when all around appears to be going in an opposite way. Today unquestioningly it takes courage to act and speak defiantly wherein conformity is bred and demanded.

Defiance is NOT dead, or deaf, for many, it currently resides just out of sight and is not yet heard. The suffocating oppressive action our government and its corporate sponsors take give rise to increasing defiance in us all. Therein lays the seeds for believing our future is not bleak but energetically wonderful and full of life.


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