the spector of water wars
Warming's drain on Lake Mead outlined … By BRIAN DUGGAN and HENRY BREAN … REVIEW-JOURNAL Jun. 09, 2007 … Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal … EXERPTED
WASHINGTON -- Climate change is going to bring big changes to the West, including the dire possibility that Lake Mead could run dry in 10 years, a panel of experts warned senators.
Researchers urged that more money be spent to track the growing impact of the phenomenon by installing more climate observation stations along the Colorado River and others in the region.
The warnings came in a Wednesday hearing convened by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the wake of a National Academies of Sciences report this spring that said the West is likely to suffer longer and more severe droughts from global warming.
Bradley Udall, director of an environmental research institute connected to the University of Colorado, said Lake Mead's 14 million acre-feet of water, or about 4.5 trillion gallons, isn't being replaced as fast as it is being used.
Officials at the Bureau of Reclamation familiar with models of Lake Mead's future levels were unavailable on Friday. But water authority spokesman Scott Huntley said it would be highly unlikely that Lake Mead would run dry in 10 years because water managers eventually would step in and restrict water usage to conserve.
A dry Lake Mead … not possible … ?
If that your belief than most assuredly you have drunk far too much of the “corporate” concocted kool-aid and bought into positions espoused by “corporate” controlled mass media.
You really believe that hapless Arizona government bureaucrats have the ability let alone the balls to thwart the will of that 900# gorilla – California – I don’t think so, hey, but go ahead and choose to believe as you will.
The specter of water wars is upon us and “we” choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to its rumblings choosing instead to maintain the “ostrich” position to which we have been educated to become compliantly accustomed.
How much do you really want to know about your water … ?
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