Friday, July 18, 2008

so believe what you choose, you will anyway, until

The Corporate Threat to Water and the Water Justice Movement's Fight to Protect it … By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!. Posted March 2, 2008. … (excerpted) … An interview with international water guru Maude Barlow and clips from the new documentary Flow: For Love of Water.

Eight of the nation's largest water providers from California to New York have announced the formation of a coalition to develop strategies on dealing with climate change. The members of the newly formed Water Utility Climate Alliance together provide water to more than 36 million people in the United States. The group has developed a list of goals that include expanding climate change research, developing strategies for adapting to climate change and identifying greenhouse gas emissions from individual operations.Today we're going to spend the rest of the hour looking at the global water crisis. Flow: For Love of Water is a new documentary screened here in New York. The film examines how the world's water supplies are diminishing and how the privatization of water is worsening the crisis

The Corporate Threat to Water and the Water Justice Movement's Fight to Protect it … By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!. Posted March 2, 2008. … (excerpted) … An interview with international water guru Maude Barlow and clips from the new documentary Flow: For Love of Water.
Eight of the nation's largest water providers from California to New York have announced the formation of a coalition to develop strategies on dealing with climate change. The members of the newly formed Water Utility Climate Alliance together provide water to more than 36 million people in the United States. The group has developed a list of goals that include expanding climate change research, developing strategies for adapting to climate change and identifying greenhouse gas emissions from individual operations.
Today we're going to spend the rest of the hour looking at the global water crisis. Flow: For Love of Water is a new documentary screened here in New York. The film examines how the world's water supplies are diminishing and how the privatization of water is worsening the crisis.
I know another conspiracy theory topic and you know what, that’s precisely what those advocating “privatization” of your water want to think and to believe…?

After all corporate America established our educational agenda, trained academia to produce science they find acceptable, control most all forms of mass media, control our elections, define what the “hot button” issues are on most topics, and trained us to believe the propaganda they disseminate.

Corporate multinational bu$ine$$e$ care only about profit$ - your health – does not even enter the equation.

So believe what you choose, you will anyway, until ….?

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