hey privitize it and the problem goes away
Sahuarita panel to seek experts on wastewater; pay hikes OK'd …By Tim Ellis …Arizona Daily Star … Tucson, Arizona Published: 02.13.2008 …EXERPTED … Sahuarita officials have begun a search for experts to advise the town on its problem-plagued wastewater-treatment plant — and for people to keep it operating. The Town Council on Monday approved forming a committee that, for now, would advise the council and staff on the technical issues of running the plant. In response, the state ordered a halt to new connections to the system, which serves about 11,000 people in Rancho Sahuarita and nearby areas in the northern portion of town, in July 2007. The problems occurred because town officials — and he personally — "screwed up." . "We're fixing the wastewater problem. We have been for a year now." The wastewater advisory committee initially would include people with expertise in engineering, hydrology and finance, Stahle said. He said he and Larry Dobrosky, the assistant town manager who oversees the operation at the plant, will immediately begin looking for prospective members. They also will research the county's wastewater-advisory committee, and those of other towns and cities. Options considered include selling the facility, contracting with the county or a private firm to operate it, or transferring ownership to the county. Sahuarita's plant is the only one in Pima County not operated by the county. The county and a Phoenix-area wastewater-consulting company, Water Quality and Training, have been providing temporary staff and equipment to help operate the plant over the past several months.
Hey, Sahuarita the solution is simple, call the City of Phoenix and get the number for Suez and privatize … eliminate your accountability or responsibility, it’s marvelous cover and it works every time…?
You simply transfer all accountability and responsibility to “private-corporate-for-profit” firms, like Suez, or Bechtel or Halliburton, or a host of other contractors like the one’s “we” like to use for our work in Iraq. And besides there’s possibly other “goodies” available to you such as employment and other “perks.”
And “we” don’t care, we’re too busy wondering what is the latest in Britney Spear’s life or when Shaq is going to make his début with the Suns or whether the “rich and famous” get the 2012 Super Bowl (with public tax support, of course).
Once you privatize it, you simply point the finger and deny any accountability or responsibility and man is that fun if you’re a politician or bureaucrat.
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