Friday, July 18, 2008

Tailoring scientific fact for political purposes

Is the Bush Administration Censoring Scientists? … By , E MagazinePosted on May 28, 2007, Printed on June 1, 2007 …
Word of the White House censoring federal climate scientists on global warming began leaking out to the press early in George W. Bush's first term in office, but only in the last few years have a few federal employees themselves been willing to go on record with such accusations.
A report released last January by two leading nonprofits, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and the Government Accountability Project (GAP), found that nearly half of 279 federal climate scientists who responded to a survey reported being pressured to delete references to "global warming" or "climate change" from scientific papers or reports, while many said they were prevented from talking to the media or had their work on the topic edited.
"The new evidence shows that political interference in climate science is no longer a series of isolated incidents but a system-wide epidemic," says UCS's Francesca Grifo. "Tailoring scientific fact for political purposes has become a problem across many federal science agencies."

Is the Bush Administration Censoring Scientists? … By , E MagazinePosted on May 28, 2007, Printed on June 1, 2007 …
Word of the White House censoring federal climate scientists on global warming began leaking out to the press early in George W. Bush's first term in office, but only in the last few years have a few federal employees themselves been willing to go on record with such accusations.
A report released last January by two leading nonprofits, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and the Government Accountability Project (GAP), found that nearly half of 279 federal climate scientists who responded to a survey reported being pressured to delete references to "global warming" or "climate change" from scientific papers or reports, while many said they were prevented from talking to the media or had their work on the topic edited.
"The new evidence shows that political interference in climate science is no longer a series of isolated incidents but a system-wide epidemic," says UCS's Francesca Grifo. "Tailoring scientific fact for political purposes has become a problem across many federal science agencies."
Tailoring scientific fact for political purposes has become a problem across many federal science agencies … a ploy successfully utilized recently in Arizona by ADEQ to grant the Bella Terra project the right to pollute the “unique” waters of Oak Creek . . .

A group of concerned citizens respectfully requested ADEQ look into making the sewage effluent discharge parameters for Bella Terra address their concerns about residual “endocrine interrupters” ADEQ chose to deliberately stone-wall and refuse to recognize its ability to regulate same. Instead ADEQ chose to dodge, weave and camouflage the extent of its regulatory authority.

While the Arizona division of the Sierra Club finally chose to enter the fray, it conveniently waited until the decision was made and only then allowed itself to be a “player” in the legal challenge against the ADEQ decision approving the project. The university paid scientific activists chose to present positions which only “softly” poked and probed at ADEQ, fearful of retaliation…? Moreover the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest … chose to remain silent on the sidelines, even though the salient facts of this project had been brought to their attention.

If it is facts we seek, only by standing on our own two legs and demanding only the truth will “we” – that’s you and me – honestly be made aware.



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