Friday, July 18, 2008

energy and water set to collide

The collusion course between energy and water is one that has been in the making for a long time.

That “we” were unaware of its arrival should not be at all surprising.

Our apparent sudden “awareness” to this dilemma as well as others associated with global warming are akin to the reaction of the natives of the Americas who did not see the ships at sea approaching on the horizon from foreign lands until they miraculously and just a suddenly appeared in their harbor.

“We,” just as the natives, see only that to which we have become accustomed. Living in a contemporary culture which accentuates only the present, the immediate, the expedient, the simple as well as immediate profitability, is there any doubt that for the most part “we” see only that in our immediate field of vision. Our current reality mirrors the scope of our immediate field of vision.

To see outside the “collective” field of vision and pro-offer a divergent perspective serves to encourage chaos within the collective. The turmoil and disarray resulting from chaos is not acceptable in society and is to be eliminated at all cost.
How then can “we” be expected to be open to the uncertainty associated with the pending collusion between energy and water…?

Uncertainty is the breeding ground and incubator of fear, disillusionment, separateness and isolation. In our contemporary culture “we” have no educational foundation upon which “we” can turn for guidance, save that as provided to us as a result of corporate sponsored and sanctioned education. Education wherein one is continually trained to “see” only as instructed. Education designed wherein the field of vision of the “one” is subjugated lest it be upsetting to the many. Education wherein one is instructed to question authority or anything deemed politically correct is seen as heresy.

Life in such an environment is designed to be restrictive to eliminate to the extent possible fields of vision not conforming to that deemed by others to be politically correct. Life in such an environment leads inevitably to extreme polarization of ideas, opinions, positions and action.

Recognizing “we” are on a collusion course between energy and water is a fantastic first step. It remains to be determined if “we” have the tenacity to collectively step up to the table and rationally, realistically, honestly, openly address all the myriad of aspects associated with the collusion course “we” helped set into motion…?

There are answers and solutions and “we” have the capacity to address and to resolve each and every one of them.

The only thing preventing “us” coming to the table is fear and greed.



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