Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Like Pinocchio’s nose the bailout figure keep$ growing and growing and growing … and “we” continue to act surprised…

Did you actually believe the fir$t $et of figure$ they conveniently provided to us was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…?

That’s exactly what they expected us to believe after 30 years or more of their easily digested pabulum propaganda education.

Reality is we need to face up to the decisions “we” – that’s you and I – permitted to be made in our stead. Events and circumstances have placed the ball now squarely in our court and in our hands, which is where it ought to be. “We” can take up this challenge and run with the ball and score for the good of all mankind or we can shrink and continue to permit others to do our thinking for us…?

By now “we” should be aware of the outcome of letting others do the thinking and decision making which rightfully belongs solely with each of us…?


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world...
indeed it’s the only thing that ever has." … Margaret Mead


… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

"Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

you really think "they" are the solution....?

As I read this article – HIGH STAKE FOR ECONOMIC SUMMIT – in the Arizona Republic, it is difficult for me to believe those whose actions brought about this current financial debacle are now the ones to whom we are turning for leadership out of the very situation their action created…?

As I read this I am mindful of words spoken and written by Albert Einstein ... A problem can never really be solved using the same level of thinking with which the problem was originally created …

I can not for a minute believe that turning to this leadership will bring about the fundamental change needed to put not only our US economy but the world economy on a very different course.

Can you…?


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

take the bet...we'll give thWe wil give the Big 3... get out of jail free card and our $$$ to boot

Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

Like you, I too, have asked of myself, what is my feeling respecting a “bailout” of the Big 3 auto makers – GM – Ford – Chrysler … ?

The Arizona Republic reports in its 18 Nov 08 issue that such a bailout is unlikely, but I wouldn’t bet on it…?

Were I a Las Vegas “odds maker” I believe I would most likely bet the farm that in the final analysis the DC “beltway” politicians will wither under the pressure and provide to these folks a substantial bailout package after a round of BS designed to bam-foozle us…!

I do not doubt the current economic impact which the “auto-industry” has on the USA economy. As currently reported by statistics about 1 in every 10 of us is in some manner connected to the auto industry. A significant financial hit on domestic auto industry would indeed be another blow to our current precarious economy. Granting the auto “giants” carte-blanche bailout in line with the no strings attached bailout to “wall street” and the banks serves us even less.

I would be less than honest were I not to note part of me would like to spank the Big 3 for the greediness of upper mgt and the degree to which their product has polluted our environment. But that is grossly unfair on my part. Such a position indicates I choose to blame them for decisions I voluntarily made, though I would rather not admit.

Inasmuch as I believe a bailout package will be offered to the Big 3, I propose it includes at least the following if not more stipulations:

 Public ownership of the stock in their corporations – no gifts – loans only
 Public “oversight” of all aspects of their business
 Café standards of at the minimum of 40 MPG every vehicle every brand
 Make GM bring the EV 1 – (or equal) electric car back into production
 Development & production of electric vehicles by all mfr on the street by 2011
 Big 3 endorse – universal single payer health insurance
 Strict salary and benefits caps to all top mgt in all car companies based on average employee wages paid

In my judgment some of these same stipulations should be part of any public bailout of tax payer funds to any company no exceptions.

Do I actually believe such stipulations will be implemented – HELL – no as in our infinite wisdom “we” continue to permit the fox to guard the hen house, “we” never seem to learn.


… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

"Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

When I first saw this headline in the Saturday issue of the Arizona Republic … GORDON REQUESTS BAILOUT MONEY … I was unsure if I was going to laugh or cry. This is the same elected official sworn “to serve & protect” who so generously gifted more than one hundred million dollars in tax breaks to the developer of City North which recently opened with great fanfare.

This is the same elected official who is choosing to balance his city budget by closing or reducing hours at public libraries…? And public swimming pools…? Hello, what exactly am I missing…?

We might begin to balance our City of Phoenix budget by first reducing your salary and those of the mental midgets comprising our City council who went along with your generosity and tax breaks to favor business enterprises. Then we might look at what we might save by not putting all the chrome stuff on the fire trucks, though it makes them pretty…? Then we might look at opening the “books” of the city completely for public scrutiny…? WOW, now that’s a scary thought, right Mayor Gordon…?

If “we” don’t ask, they aren’t going to tell. And in the final analysis it’s our tax money they are spending, but apparently you and I really don’t give a damn.


… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

"Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….



Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

ADEQ CAUGHT IN CLIMATE DISPUTE AT STATE CAPITOL … noted the Arizona Republic in its 14 Nov 08 issue …

I find I am inclined to suggest the current “dispute” respecting ADEQ is a continuation of one initiated at its inception as a separate agency as established by the Arizona Legislature in 1986 reputedly in response to growing concerns about groundwater quality. Its mission statement according to the ADEQ website is … to administer a variety of programs to improve the health and welfare of our citizens and ensure the quality of Arizona's air, land and water resources meet healthful, regulatory standards. In 1986, Bruce Babbitt was in his last year as Governor of Arizona and ADEQ in part, I believe was to establish his legacy respecting his implementation of “active management areas” (AMA) over certain aspects of water. Babbitt was to be succeeded by Evan Mechan during whose governorship was a most tumultuous time. Mechan’s action as Governor polarized our State over the federal MLK Day. His choice of words and descriptions such as “pickaninny” were daily headline fodder keeping all topics of public value off everyone’s radar.

ADEQ from the outset never enjoyed the full support of the state legislature as a number of members at the time saw this creation as nothing more than to placate the “pro-growth” constituents in our State. It has been since its creation a creature and the subject of “revolving” door philosophies, standards, rules and policies. Any Director who honestly chooses to be “pro” environment finds his/her tenure to be short. Review the philosophies, standards, rules and policies of ADEQ since its inception and one sees the hand of the lobbyists, attorneys of the public utilities, large water users (i.e. cities), corporate agriculture and the mines and last and not least – developers/subdividers. ADEQ philosophies, standards, rules and policies have had one aim and goal that is to promote unrestricted growth in all areas of our state – water – concerns be damned.

Part of me wants to stand and cheer and hope ADEQ meets its demise. Another more thoughtful part of me suggests such a stand could easily be an indelible blow to Arizona’s environmental concerns. Our individual and collective action, including moi, has since its inception left ADEQ twisting in the wind, subject to whomever and whatever was in the moment the loudest voice and produced the biggest lobbying effort.

Historically in Arizona, corporate agriculture, corporate mining, corporate developers/subdividers has had the ear of both the State Legislature as well as whoever was at the moment the Director of ADEQ. To understand ADEQ action, policy and enforcement one need look no further than to the maxim … $ money is the mother’s milk of politic$ … and if nothing else in Arizona our environment has always been the whim of political leaders from all political parties, persuasions and passions. Like all governmental agencies in Arizona – ADEQ – has felt that it was overworked, underfunded and understaffed. And perhaps given the vast scope of environmental concerns “we” chose to charge it with, they could be correct in their assessment.

In Arizona, with our overlay “western-cowboy” philosophy “we” hate taxes as much as we hate being told what “we” can and can not do on our own property. In this environment “we” create ADEQ requesting it to promulgate rules, regulations and enforcement policies for the benefit of our environment. Is this really doable …?

Water in particular in Arizona was one of those things which historically “we” are willing to fall on the sword for given its overwhelming significance in the desert in which we chose to live. The significance of water has since Arizona became a state in 1912 morphed from its once vaunted position of significance to one where today thanks to our quality education it’s considered merely a commodity and were one to choose to believe our State “leaders” – quite abundant…?

Given our collective understanding of water in Arizona which is conflicted at best, it is any wonder why then ADEQ rules, regulations and enforcement lack focus and direction…?

Allow me to put these issues on the table for our consideration…?

 Arizona is a desert with very limit rainfall
 Arizona has incredible diverse climates and elevations
 Arizona appears to have harnessed all sources of water in our state for the storage of water as well as the production of electric power
 The economic engine driving our state’s economy is homebuilding which entails the destruction our natural environment for roads, homes, schools, shopping centers, airports, railroads, sport arenas and parking lots.
 The once vaunted five “C” comprising the state’s motto – climate – cotton – citrus – cattle – copper – has morphed into – unrestricted growth.
 We are a state without a unified water policy respecting the “drought” conditions under which we have operated for many years.
 While many regions and communities in Arizona currently operate under restricted water use policies, “metro” Phoenix heeds no such policy or action.

Is it really doable that under this philosophy that ADEQ can honestly promulgate rules, regulations and enforcement actions which honestly protect our state’s environment…?

Should ADEQ meet its demise today…? Eliminating ADEQ does not solve any of the host of environmental issues facing our state. From my perspective it is possible, but only with a willingness on the part of Arizona citizens to choose to enact higher taxes those functions associated with individual homes, i.e. design, installation, operation and maintenance, re-sale inspections and certifications, of all residential on-site wastewater treatment and effluent disposal systems (commonly referred to as septic systems) can become the sole domain and providence of the individual 15 Arizona counties. As it is, those issues and topics in this individual homeowner realm are treated as the proverbial – bastard – child and sorely neglected by ADEQ. And quite frankly this should be expected as this segment of those affected by ADEQ actions are and always have been without representation. And without “mash-mouth-in-your-face” representation this segment does not get ADEQ attention and therefore its needs understandably go unheeded. Unlike other constituent groups affected by ADEQ this homeowner segment has been traditionally without any formal leadership and therefore lacks “standing” in ADEQ eyes. Given its diversity it is an unruly group by tradition not akin to being lead by anyone in any way, shape or form. Given its diverse structure it is fodder for ADEQ to easily divide and conquer which ADEQ has successfully done for years. And will continue to do.

With the ADEQ current leadership and direction it is not logical to assume it will suddenly take a turn and honestly take “environment’s” side on the host of issues which we face…? ADEQ, like all agencies is a political animal and will respond to those who support it and sustain its funding and to them ADEQ will be true.

In my opinion as currently constituted ADEQ needs our honest assessment, evaluation and appraisal to determine if its form requires restructuring or possibly elimination…? To enable you and me to make these assessments, evaluations and appraisals requires that government provide to us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth which is all part of full open disclosure and dialog.

From my perspective it’s a task worthy of our active participation.


… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

"Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….


Monday, November 17, 2008


Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

DBO … these three letter can represent nearly anything, but increasingly today they denote - design-build-operate - procurement process. And “good news” the DBO process is approved by our Arizona Legislature.

These three letters denote how we permit a different slant to be achieved respecting “privatizing” of our water. The 90 marionettes masquerading as elected representatives “to serve & to protect” public health and welfare sold your interests out to the world wide multinational water purveyors under the guise …. a privateer’s own self-interest is served by performing contracted activities to ensure high quality …

It strikes me this is the same “self-interest” costume which Wall Street successfully wore to screw us over for an initial no-strings attached bail-out of $700 billion dollar.

It strikes me the current condition of our American economy – “trashed” – is the perfect setting for the multinational-for-profit-water-purveyors to lobby our city, county, state and federal politicians claiming with their “Cheshire-grins” that they can provide safe water cheaper than can public-funded-government-(that’s you and me)-owned-water services…?

The City of Phoenix already has a DBO water facility at Lake Pleasant, were you aware of that…? You might not be as it was snuck in by your City Council during the summer lull a number of years ago. How do we get full open disclosure on the activities of this DBO…?

What I find most interesting is the degree and the extent to which our politicians will go to keep these DBO situations off the front page and behind closed doors. This type of activity always raises the hair on the back of my neck. What about yours…?

DBO . . . while not true in all cases these three letters denote for me … DIRTY BUSINESS OPERATING … especially when it comes to our water.

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.



Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

The use of effluent water for irrigation could be a short-term solution to the water shortage in Lake Havasu City....By Tony Waggoner…Saturday, November 8, 2008 8:33 PM MST…excerpted … “We can conserve better with effluent water,” Water Resources Coordinator Doyle Wilson said. “But we have to make sure we don’t put all our eggs in one basket.” Effluent water is recovered from flushed toilets and drained bathtubs. The city’s switch from septic tanks to sewers should allow for a greater amount of effluent water to help compensate for its expanding population and allow the city to reduce the amount of water it takes from the Colorado River. The city is generating almost 3 million gallons of effluent water a day, among three-wastewater treatment plants, Wilson said. Most of that water comes from irrigation. In October 2008, the city generated 2.8 million gallons. From September 2007 to now, Wilson said the city has varying levels of between 243 to 294 acre-feet of water treated a month. Of that effluent or “gray water,” 40-79 percent is being reused for irrigation throughout the city. The rest empties into percolation ponds. You may contact the reporter at

I rise to salute what at first blush appears to be honestly “green” thinking respecting the use our current mandated ADEQ rules permit one to utilize sewage effluent. Re-use in the manner suggested by folks in Lake Havasu are not without both short term and long term public health implications, but, they represent a far more progressive and thoughtful approach to the manner we currently utilize all forms of water.

I invite us to use caution as we mover forward in these areas as the scope of our current knowledge on the short and long term public health implications of the residuals in all forms of domestic sewage is essentially unknown. The testing protocols currently utilized to determine the relative – safety – of any sewage effluent is simply a matter of political expediency. This should not deter us from honestly evaluation every possible reuse aspect to water, but, we should, I believe temper our judgments in favor of public health.

There is laying in the weeds a 900 pound gorilla – “for-profit-corporate-water-purveyors” – who truly do not want these forms of public reuse to come to fruition as they will cut into their potentially very lucrative profit$.

For an overview I invite you to consider reading – BLUE GOLD – the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world’s water. One can choose to discount this view and perspective at your own peril.


… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

With my personal “thanks” to Michael C. Ruppert …From the Wilderness… who closes his blog … "Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….




Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

Is not the question of water adequacy related to how many straws “we” will permit to be inserted into any one subsurface water aquifer…?

State seeks comments on informal draft water rule by Saturday…Tuesday, November 11, 2008…Prescott Daily Courier… The Arizona Department of Water Resources is giving people one last chance to comment on proposed water adequacy rules before moving to a more formal phase….The agency's rulemaking process helps implement Senate Bill 1575, commonly called the water adequacy bill. The Legislature approved it in 2007….The bill made a significant change in Arizona water law by letting rural local governments reject new subdivisions that don't prove they will have adequate water supplies for the next century….The latest proposed changes are available on the agency's website at The site also contains responses to public comments in the last round…Yavapai County Supervisor Chip Davis and local water consultant Ed McGavock were among those who recently registered comments and asked questions….County boards of supervisors must have unanimous votes to adopt the new rule, and Yavapai County Supervisor Carol Springer has stated she opposes the new rule….Municipalities can adopt the new adequacy rule even if counties don't. If they adopt the rule, they also must decide if they will allow an exemption to the rule if subdividers want to haul water to customers. …Several Verde Valley communities have stated their interest in adopting the rule. Prescott-area communities operate under different rules associated with active management areas (AMAs)….The agency's rules can be complex, especially where AMA and other boundaries cross. …One example is the Big Chino Sub-basin, where Prescott has the right to drill and export water to its citizens who live inside an AMA….State law could limit Prescott to a Big Chino well depth of 1,000 feet, while local developers might end up being able to drill deeper under the new adequacy rule. That concerns local municipal officials….Contact the reporter at

Our state position administered by our ADWR personnel does not appear to evaluate how many straws are permitted to be inserted into any one subsurface water aquifer, why is that…?

Then we compound this nonsense by issuing to the respective “subdivider” the vaunted 100 year water assurance certificate which he in turns passes to the real estate community who provide it to you and me. And without demanding verification we automatically accept is at being true.

If you really believe that, then I honestly have some ocean front property in Arizona I want to sell to you…?

Until we are provided with far more information and full disclosure this water assurance stuff is nothing but smoke and mirrors.


… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

With my personal “thanks” to Michael C. Ruppert …From the Wilderness… who closes his blog … "Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.

Website address for Paul F. Miller’s blog ….


Thursday, November 13, 2008


Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

This referenced article appears in the 10-31-08 issue of the Arizona Republic … White House mounts last push to deregulate … and though I find it infuriating this action is NOT limited to the Bush administration.

This is the type of action reserved for sneaks, thieves, those who prefer to conduct their nefarious activities cloaked in darkness, under cover and in stealth. These shenanigans deflate and negate any uplifting positive endeavors undertaken by the out-going President, be he Bush or Clinton or ???

Why do “we” permit this type of action as its affects are unquestioningly extremely far reaching and debilitating…? In military parlance is this not tantamount to conduct unbecoming and grounds for formal legal query…?

These actions saddle every new incoming President and administration with a host of issues essentially over which they will be effectively unable to exert any real power. They are held hostage, as are we, to these self-serving actions of men seeking to CYA after they leave office.

I am opposed to rules for the sake of rules, so I can not offer a solution based on the imposition of a new set of rules. It strikes me this situation will only change when the President we elect honestly chooses to leave office at the end of his term without imposing these typical CYA actions. This will take an individual of unusual character.

We can expect all these actions taken to weaken our environment to have repercussions not only on us, but our children, grandchildren and generations yet to come. This is heinous and despicable action. Is this legacy position of … “to serve & to protect” … ?

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.



Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

This referenced article appears in the 10-31-08 issue of the Arizona Republic … White House mounts last push to deregulate … and though I find it infuriating this action is NOT limited to the Bush administration.

This is the type of action reserved for sneaks, thieves, those who prefer to conduct their nefarious activities cloaked in darkness, under cover and in stealth. These shenanigans deflate and negate any uplifting positive endeavors undertaken by the out-going President, be he Bush or Clinton or ???

Why do “we” permit this type of action as its affects are unquestioningly extremely far reaching and debilitating…? In military parlance is this not tantamount to conduct unbecoming and grounds for formal legal query…?

These actions saddle every new incoming President and administration with a host of issues essentially over which they will be effectively unable to exert any real power. They are held hostage, as are we, to these self-serving actions of men seeking to CYA after they leave office.

I am opposed to rules for the sake of rules, so I can not offer a solution based on the imposition of a new set of rules. It strikes me this situation will only change when the President we elect honestly chooses to leave office at the end of his term without imposing these typical CYA actions. This will take an individual of unusual character.

We can expect all these actions taken to weaken our environment to have repercussions not only on us, but our children, grandchildren and generations yet to come. This is heinous and despicable action. Is this legacy position of … “to serve & to protect” … ?

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …

And let me be even a bit bolder, I am most willing to present and discuss any water issue before any audience in Arizona where open full disclosure and two way dialog is permitted.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hard to believe

The following was forwarded to me by a very dear friend and the information in the underlined news broadcast is, I believe, most worthy of consideration. For me on a personal basis, it reinforces the validity in the power of intention available to anyone choosing to at least be open to possibilities.

CBS 60 Minutes from Sunday November 2, 2008 demonstrated the tangible—thoughts produce results. Using a compute attached to the brain individuals with challenges can communicate with thoughts. They can write and control robotic devices. The patterns of energy produced through intention can be measured, read and produce results. Where will this take us in the future? Give a look see --- Here is a link to the segment Brain Power:

http://www.cbsnews. com/video/ watch/?id= 4564186n

Should anyone choose to share anything they may have gotten from this report, I am most interesting in learning of your observations, opinions and evaluations.



Monday, November 10, 2008

might there be something amiss permitting the fox to guard the hen houses

Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

When All Is Said and Dung…New EPA rules let factory farms police themselves on water pollution…Posted at 3:32 PM on 03 Nov 2008…Factory farms can skip getting a pollution permit if they don't think they'll be mucking up nearby waterways, according to new U.S. EPA requirements. Enviros are unimpressed; notes Eric Schaeffer of the Environmental Integrity Project, "It literally puts the foxes in charge of their gigantic henhouses."

I do not believe it takes an Einstein to question the logic or the intelligence of implementing a rule as described above.

Let’s see if I understand the implications of this rule…? If I own and operate a henhouse which has say 500,000 laying hens which produces copious amounts of chicken shit each day, I can declare I don’t believe the chicken shit my chickens produce will muck up any nearby waterways and therefore I do not need any permit from any source to operate my business.

However, if I am a homeowner in Arizona who is building a home on property not currently served by a municipal or quasi-municipal sewer system, I am required to obtain a permit from the appropriate county environmental health dept to discharge the projected 450 gallons per day my 3 bedroom home is expected to produce…?

What am I missing…? I do not believe one needs to be a rocket scientist to question the relative value or strength of these two sources of wastes: chickens vs. humans. Most folks of aware that a little bit of chicken shit goes a long way and it doesn’t take too much to burn up or kill a lawn or a vegetable garden. As we don’t normally utilize human feces, at least in the USA, it is difficult for me to come up with a valid comparison. This analysis would not be remotely complete were we not to address the issue of vitamins, growth hormones, antibiotics and other pharmaceutical products introduced in copious amounts into the feed stock of laying hens. What impact do these residuals have on the waterways into which this sewage is released…?

This is NOT to minimize the release of residual cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc found in human waste. But on a comparison basis, I suspect an individual might conclude the relative quantity of waste delivered on a daily basis into our biosphere is appreciably greater for chicken shit than it is for those homes utilizing an onsite septic system…? The question at this juncture is not whether either one is I would conclude neither one has positive implications on the health of man.

This is a shining example of a pronounced – externality – a cost passed forward to a totally unaware populous. In this instance this externality will be paid for by generations and generations yet to come. In the meantime in our state of individual and collective amnesia we obediently adhere to the education we have for these past 40 years been taught by dominating-for-profit–corporations.

Might there be something amiss in permitting the fox to guard our hen house…?

With my personal “thanks” to Michael C. Ruppert …From the Wilderness… who closes his blog … "Fascism ought more properly be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state." … Benito Mussolini

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …


Friday, November 7, 2008

adventurous - inquisitive - challenging

Perspective for your consideration …
What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

Algae ponds in Gila Bend may help solve oil problem … By Dan Sullivan… ARIZONA DAILY STAR …GILA BEND — excerpted - In dozens of simple ponds in Gila Bend, something is happening that could help ease the nation's dependency on foreign oil. … The project is not controlled by an army of scientists or funded with millions of dollars worth of government research grants — it's a desert shrimp farm that is changing with the times to produce biodiesel from algae, using some of the same algae that feed the shrimp. "Shrimp farmers don't raise shrimp, they raise algae," said Gary Wood, owner of Desert Sweet Shrimp, which is transitioning to a new name, Desert Sweet Biofuels, with its new focus. …. The 50 ponds don't look impressive now — more like craters filled with murky water. But Wood said soon they will look like bubbling pools of split pea soup teeming with algae soon to be transformed into fuel. … "I've heard a lot of people saying 'drill baby drill' when they should be saying 'grow baby grow,' " Wood said. "We're going to grow our way out of this." …. He said his farm has the potential to produce 5,000 gallons of biofuel per acre in two years, and he expects the first gallons of biofuel to be ready in three to four months…. Algae is transformed into biofuels by pressing the oil out of the algae and then adding lye, sodium and ethanol as a catalyst to make the fuel more pure. The lye, sodium and ethanol can be reused. … Desert Sweet has done research trying to find the best strain of algae, and plans to test cultured and indigenous strains of algae. Wood said the company will look for the best strain until it finds "the one that will be a magic bullet." … Biofuels made from algae have an advantage over biofuels made from soybeans, palm oil or corn because algae is not a source of food, growing algae does not use agriculturally fertile land and algae can be grown in treated wastewater, said Joel Cuello, a professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering the University of Arizona. … Cuello said biofuels from algae need to be mass-produced to make them economically feasible. …

Utilizing essentially poor agriculture land, wastewater sewage effluent to produce a product developed from recycled ingredients causes me to rise to salute this one man’s choice to try something outside the “norm” and which I would venture to say is as much a labor of love as it is a commitment to assisting to find viable solutions to our fossil fuel dilemma.

I wish him god’s speed and extend to him my best wishes in his endeavor.

At one time – he – honestly represented that adventurous, inquisitive and challenging nature of America, welcome back …. ?



Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

God Bless and Gods speed to you – Mr. President …

That I lived to see history being made last night is inspiring giving rise to hope individually we can move to embrace change not as something to fear rather as opportunity. As a nation we collectively chose a path of change relinquishing centuries of attitudes about people of color and seeing instead the man his intelligence, grace, poise and his gift to us in the olive branch of hope he extents to all.

The challenges awaiting our newly elected President run the alphabet from A to Z. His place as he take the helm as our 44th President of these United States is not unlike that faced by Abraham Lincoln who assumed command at the height of one of our darker hours and sought to bind up the nations wounds. Indeed our nation is wounded, we are wounded and in these hours we need each other. The walls separating those labeled foe, enemy and those labeled friend, compatriot need be torn down to permit free, open, full disclosure dialog to exit. In this atmosphere a new paradigm will emerge. It is not something to be feared, it is something to be embraced.

I ask of you Mr. President-elect: (1) do not under any condition or circumstance choose to lie to us, (2) provide honest open full disclosure education to every citizen, (3) work unceasingly and work with us to heal our world environment, (4) be that leader we need in these troubled times.

Our prayers and best wishes we extend to you – Mr. President.



Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

One small example of deception the result of lack of TRANSPARENCY … excerpted from AzOWRA newsletter… Onsite Wastewater Demonstration Project … Several years ago an onsite wastewater demonstration site was created on a portion of land at Northern Arizona University (NAU). This site was designed to test different onsite wastewater treatment technologies using real effluent from real homes-most test sites use sewage diverted from a municipal sewage stream which has different characteristics than household sewage. The demonstration site did not have a funding source and was subsequently mothballed. AzOWRA has made reactivating the site a top goal of the organization. A steering committee made up of AzOWRA members and NAU personnel has been formed. They have worked out the details of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two organizations. The site is being set up to accomplish two tasks: 1) to be a training facility for onsite wastewater treatment systems. The training curriculum has not been determined. It is hoped to include soil characterization training and system maintenance. 2) to be a for-fee, third-party test facility.

What is NOT revealed to you, especially those readers in Arizona, is it is YOUR tax money which built and which has supported this NAU testing facility under a EPA grant administered by ADEQ. In as much as this test facility is owned by and on property owned by the citizens of Arizona WHY are they (public) not invited nor provided their rightful place at the head of any negotiation to this MOU achieved solely behind closed doors…? This is NOT transparency.

Review the AzOWRA website to ascertain their members as well as their affiliation. From the outset AzOWRA has been essentially the playground for selected regulators and selected proprietary interests. As I was one of those instrumental in the initial formation and establishing of AzOWRA this was not the intention nor in keeping with its original mission statement.

That the NAU site should be utilized most assuredly has merit, but, denying the public whose $$ built and support$ via taxe$ this facility their rightful place at the head of all decisions respecting the use of this facility is patently wrong.

I fully understand the feeling on the part of the selected AzOWRA and NAU personnel that this is such a small and seemingly insignificant topic it will fly beneath the radar of most all Arizona citizens as well as the Governor and all of our State Legislators and Senators. And, you know, you are probably right…?

To the extent I am able I can expose these forms of NO transparency what action are to be taken are in the hands of others – the people – the public – the voters.

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Perspective for your consideration … What does it look like when it’s fixed…?

God Bless and Gods speed to you – Mr. President …

That I lived to see history being made last night is inspiring giving rise to hope individually we can move to embrace change not as something to fear rather as opportunity. As a nation we collectively chose a path of change relinquishing centuries of attitudes about people of color and seeing instead the man his intelligence, grace, poise and his gift to us in the olive branch of hope he extents to all.

The challenges awaiting our newly elected President run the alphabet from A to Z. His place as he take the helm as our 44th President of these United States is not unlike that faced by Abraham Lincoln who assumed command at the height of one of our darker hours and sought to bind up the nations wounds. Indeed our nation is wounded, we are wounded and in these hours we need each other. The walls separating those labeled foe, enemy and those labeled friend, compatriot need be torn down to permit free, open, full disclosure dialog to exit. In this atmosphere a new paradigm will emerge. It is not something to be feared, it is something to be embraced.

I ask of you Mr. President-elect: (1) do not under any condition or circumstance choose to lie to us, (2) provide honest open full disclosure education to every citizen, (3) work unceasingly and work with us to heal our world environment, (4) be that leader we need in these troubled times.

Our prayers and best wishes we extend to you – Mr. President.

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Perspective for your consideration …

Do these headlines below suggest that – “we” – that’s you and me – are in the mood and are ready to stand actually demanding our government (remember they swear they serve & protect) eliminate its duplicity and truly become transparent…?

EPA Doesn't Tell the Whole Tale of Enforcement …OMB Watch…

GAO says EPA may be overstating penalties …Reuters UK…

Environmentalists sue EPA …Arizona Daily Sun

Groups Go to Court to Force Cleanup of Air Pollution in National Parks …MarketWatch …

8-state panel to take on EnergySolutions' loophole …The Salt Lake Tribune... Judy Fahys …

THANK YOU … for taking that initial first step to stand up to the overwhelming duplicity and lack of honest transparency so prevalent in all levels of our government.

I/you/me/us quite often and I would suggest, with cause in the last eight years, chastise the “PRESS” as being “bed-fellows” with government officials and bureaucrats and equally as duplicitous in performing their responsibility to report freely and impartially informing, not supporting politically correct propaganda. Such actions, as those noted above, by the “press” are to be lauded, supported and defended.

For the moment, I am willing to give the “press” the benefit of the doubt and believe the information they are providing to us is impartial and truthful. To expect there is absolutely no bias in any “press” writing it to expect the impossible as they are human and as such are not without emotion and/or prejudices. Until proven to the contrary, I invite us – that’s you and me – to get off our duff and lend a hand as the “press” fights to open what had been, especially in these last 8 years, secreted closed sequestered hallowed environments wherein our fate has been determined.

For me the recent Wall Street monetary financial collapse and chaos is a direct result of our – that’s yours and my – duplicitous participation. In a voice heard at the highest levels of government, we too, wanted in on the “milking” of our monetary system. Why should only the “robber-barons” (Gates, Walton’s, the oracle of Omaha and selected others benefit) “we” too have a right to participate. And we did. Those from the “press” expressing contrary positions “we” ridiculed, demeaned and summarily told to shut up.

The “press” does not always get it right, and then neither do we. Were this an athletic contest and our win/loss records compared, I question whose would fair the better. We can individually as well as collectively continue to berate, demean, belittle bad mouth and criticize the “press” for all of its actions, or we can in the spirit of understanding partner with them supporting them when their actions honestly promote for the good of all of mankind. Actions taken like those noted above by the “press” to expose the heinous underbelly of our environment are, it seems to me, worthy of note and of praise.

“WE” gave up our individual and collective control of self and therefore everything else long ago. The degradation and pollution of our environment did not occur overnight and it will not be corrected overnight. The path to recovering and restoring our environment is but in its infancy. Many of us alive today will not live to see that first shaft of light as dawn breaks over an enlightened environment as yet unborn.

… “as my ancestors planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who come after me” … attributed to ancient Hebrew wisdom

… People should never be afraid of their government, government should always be afraid of the people …
