Wednesday, August 6, 2008

that water's not yours

Yes, there’s water flowing in those streams, creeks and rivers past your town, but it’s not for you to consume …

Our neighbors to the north and it’s not Canada to which I refer, but rather those in Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona, Cottonwood, Camp Verde and Payson, those who along the Salt and Verde rivers dwell. Don’t even think about drinking or consuming that water in any manner, it’s all ours you know. You’ll awake one morning to find it gone, for SRP like a thief in the night will take it for us, those who dwell in the Valley of the Sun, that’s who. To hell with you, it’s ours.

We see and hear words like these almost every day and we don’t get mad, we don’t say this is unjust, we don’t even think about it, we just let it pass.

That summer cabin in the northland woods no longer any water can you consume, don’t even think about drilling a well lest SRP will have the local sheriff put you in jail. You think not…? Dare you oppose and you’ll quickly find out how swiftly the law comes down on you. Has anyone of us really taken the time to contemplate the implications behind these words..?

Water transfers, now there’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard. As if we by relocating the route water takes demonstrates we command, have power and dominion over. These water transfers like the CAP are NOT without enormous environmental, financial, not to mention political cost. Today the care, custody, control of water is base for economic power – tomorrow’s – equivalent oil revealed. Power – is a word we cleverly conceal, keep under wraps, its full measure out of sight lest we are forced to face our complicity as we so robotically look the other way whenever the subject of water comes up.

Conflicted are we of what water is and is not. For many water is a substance used to quench our thirst, to wash your feet or your car, to add moisture to grass and crops, but it surely is not alive. For many it does not live or resonate. Other men, like Bill Tiller, Ph.D., Stanford, Physics, and Professor Emoto, Japan, operating within the bowels of contemporary science have given to us, if we’re willing to be open to see, reasons to believe water does indeed resonate have life.

I suggest that each of us at some point in time must ask and answer – what is life…? The definition and answer need be relevant only to you, that’s OK. For me, all life is a form of energy, what say you…? Energy sends and receives as water so aptly does. Is that sufficient proof..? You be the judge. Both Tiller and Emoto subjected water to varying types and forms of tests which water passed with flying colors. Contemporary scientific scholars reject many if not all of their findings, every wonder why…? It’s because their protocols did not conform to that stipulated by them. Therefore, invalid, false their conclusions deemed. So too it was for Nicolaus Copernicus when he clearly stated the world was round. It’s not so, they screamed, but now we know.

Conformity is a powerful form we use to control, dominate and subjugate causing us to abdicate our truth to them, to others outside ourselves. Conformity transfers power from us to them, is that what we really want…? Interestingly as we demand – water – conform to our will, and produce hydro-electric power, but don’t overflow the artificial banks we create and be always available to us. Over time we’ve learned to channel, to transfer water from place to place, never stopping to realize that water picks up integrates all that is passes over and through. We channel water to pick up nuclear waste, overflowing sewage, garbage, fertilizer, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, you can add even more. It passes over ground where fire retardant fell creating a type of toxic soup which rain drives into our water shed and drinking water reservoirs and without pause we drink.

Though this blue-green planet we call – home – is over 70% water, less than 3% is fit for us to drink, consume, ingest. And the amount readily available to us today, if reduced to 26 gallons, amounts to less than ½ teaspoon full for all of us. That’s not a lot…! Tragically, today, those most wise about water conclude there is no unpolluted source. A commentary with implications we might choose to contemplate especially if one believes and concludes water has life and is NOT merely a chemical for us to use, abuse, consume and throw away. Choosing to believe – water – is living and resonates with life, we need take a stand and say to SRP water is part of the “commons” and belongs to all of us to share.

The work of Tiller and Emoto and others demonstrate how we resonate with water that our intentions communicate and imprint water. For some, I realize, this is still too far out, for others this is but the first small step in activating the latent energy of which man is made. How mankind chooses to evolve is yet to be written or walked though I have no doubt “energetic” man will be revealed. Once man ceases to believe he must dominate, control and chooses to integrate, interact we will become one with all. It’s solely a matter of choice, each of us must make.

Earl Nightingale and Norman Vincent Peale, scholars and authors in their own right, both chose to express what some today may term – enlightenment – that mankind can with energy alone change it all with these three words … believe and succeed … too simple for most to trust.

Interestingly there is, when viewed from an energetic perspective, safe and sufficient water for all of us. From today’s place of lack to one of unlimited “common” abundance, now that’s quite a difference in paradigm.



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