governor urges federal funds for low-income energy bills
Perspective for your consideration…
In the Friday 1 Aug 08 issue of Arizona Republic an article entitled … GOVERNOR URGES FEDERAL FUNDS FOR LOW-INCOME ENERGY BILLS … which in light of our Governor’s action in concert with the 90 mental midgets in our State Legislature portending to “serve and protect” as you callously throw the disabled in our state under the bus denying them health benefits, is woefully disingenuous.
The ink is barely dry on the recent newspaper report on your combined actions respecting how you “pulled-the-plug” on the disabled in our state, but, then again, we – the people – are indeed reputed to have extremely short memories.
Were I able, Governor, I would invite you to take a moment to reflect on your moral compass you are utilized to lead our State as it is need of serious recalibration.
To this missive I would be less than honest were I not to add in giant capital letters that “we” – that’s you and me – share an equal responsibility for this travesty. We could have chosen to vote these rascals out or better yet not have voted to put them into office in the first place. In the final analysis, we get the government which we exactly want and intend.
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