if we want the truth
What the Government Doesn't Want You To Know About Global Warming
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!Posted on March 24, 2008, Printed on March 27, 2008 …http://www.alternet.org/story/80508/ … EXERPTED…
JUAN GONZALEZ: Dr. James Hansen is widely regarded as the leading climate change scientist in the country. It was his testimony to a Senate committee in 1988 that first brought the threat of global warming to the world's attention. For the past quarter of a century he has headed the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA's premiere climate research center.
Just over a year ago, Dr. Hansen went public with a charge that made headlines around the world that the Bush administration had been trying to silence his warnings about the urgent need to address climate change.
How many more articles, how many more TV interviews, how many more motion pictures do “we” need to be exposed to before “we” address the veil of deception which “we” allow all of our forms of government to perpetrate upon us…?
It’s not just George W. Bush who is engaged in pulling the wool over our eyes as our Arizona Governor Napolitano and her minions overtly and covertly engage in a very similar process to hide, deceive and camouflage the truth about the long term availability and safety of our water…?
“We” must find the information provided to us as acceptable, plausible as “we” cower from asking “them” anything other than marshmallow questions concerning our water. Moreover, “we” must be thoroughly satisfied with their actions as “we” continuously choose to berate, belittle, demean and summarily dismiss anyone daring to bring a different perspective or point of view to the table about the condition of our water.
If “we” want truthful answers “we” need only accept truthful answers and be willing to defend those who will stand up and ask them in our stead.
It’s really that simple.
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