Friday, July 18, 2008

dithering governor

Dithering governor lets budget crisis grow…Feb. 26, 2008 12:00 AM … THE ARIZONA REBUBLIC …
The governor's lack of leadership, her failure to take action early in identifying the budget shortfall and continued failure to propose viable solutions have put Arizona in a budget crisis. And if history is any indication, we can expect to soon hear that it is all someone else's fault. If Arizona were a corporation, the Legislature is the board of directors and the governor the chief executive officer. Our job is to manage the finances and operations of our citizens' state government. Due to a number of circumstances, authorized spending levels have far exceeded available revenue (over $1 billion for fiscal 2008). This impending budgetary storm was recognized last July. The Legislature was out of session and unable to act unless called into special session.
The governor, however, is capable of taking action any time. The current year's passed budget authorizes spending up to a specific level. She, having management control over all state agency directors, has many options available to govern state spending.If this were a private company, the CEO and board would take immediate decisive action to bring the storm under control, or at the least, to lesson its impact. They would continue to act until the problem was corrected or they would be out of business. In our case, this responsibility was left with the governor. She took no decisive action and, and as a result, our budget problem escalates. Her borrowing proposal with only symbolic spending reductions not only does not solve the problem but actually makes it worse.
This CEO/governor has failed to lead in this budget crisis, and we need to put this fire out now before it becomes a complete and utter disaster.

While I concur with the Az Republic’s assessment that our current sitting Governor is “dithering” we differ significantly on the rationale…?

Az Gov. Janet Napolitano has indeed failed to lead, but the state’s budget shortfall is not her primary failure. Our Governor’s eye has for some time been turned decidedly eastward to that promise land of D.C., wherein she hopes awaits her is a political office suitable of her stature as an early supporter of current Democratic front runner Sen. Obama.

Our Governor has however, taken all those actions necessary to implement state policy to promote and foster unrestricted growth without providing even one minutes’ attention to long term water issues as favored by big business, developers, sport team owners and other special interest “growth” groups.

While the Az Republic chides our Governor … “This CEO/governor has failed to lead in this budget crisis, and we need to put this fire out now before it becomes a complete and utter disaster” … the far more relevant failure is her decision to turn her back on the 900# gorilla in our midst… dwindling long term sources of “safe” water for the constituents whom she swore to serve and to protect.
But then “we” apparently don’t care either…?



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