Friday, July 18, 2008


Legislators approve cage-fighting bill - Scott Wong - Apr. 22, 2008 12:00 AM - The Arizona Republic
State lawmakers on Monday gave their final blessing to a bill that would allow promoters to host a more violent brand of cage fighting in Arizona, such as the popular Ultimate Fighting Championship contests seen on Spike TV.
"Rage in the Cage" events have been held in the state for years, but current rules bar fighters from elbowing, kneeing an opponent in the face or striking a grounded opponent with a closed fist.
House Bill 2834 sponsored by Rep. Jonathan Paton, R-Tucson, would relax some of those rules but require stricter regulations when it comes to licensing, insurance, and medical evaluations and aid. The legislation calls for the Arizona State Boxing Commission to adopt mixed-martial-arts rules that are used in New Jersey, Nevada and other states.
The Senate passed the bill on a 21-8 vote on Monday.
It now heads to Gov. Janet Napolitano for her signature.

What I see as senseless brutality in Iraq is merely an extension of our mindless need for violence as evidenced by our 90 dwarf legislators actually spending time to propagate legislation respecting “cage fighting.”

What is it that drives us on the endless search for increased blood sport against man, while on the other “we” outlaw horse tripping…? “We” legally sanction for one human being to beat his fellow man senseless and then “we” actually wonder how and why Abu Ghraib, water boarding and renditions occur…?

Perhaps “we” should consider turning Sheriff Joe’s roundup of the illegals into a form of blood sport too … ? I’ll bet the event would be a sell out – SRO – might even become a national or international TV media event given Joe’s “star” quality.

Any hey, while we’re at it “we” can endorse Rep. Karen Johnson from Mesa’s notion to allow “concealed” guns at school that ought to really produce some real “fun” blood sporting situations for TV to cover and promote.

Is this truly the value “we” place on human life . . . ?



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