That EPA relies on industry for scientific support isnt that like the fox guarding the hen house
$cantily $exy clad Violence and $cience vs. $afety . . . ?
Our EPA relies on 2 industry funded studies to declare that the chemicals in plastics are safe … did you expect anything else ….?
Having been born and raised across the river in Las Vegas, Nevada, it’s a no brainer, sex and violence win every time… ! Sex and violence are an unbeatable combination which given our increased attraction to voyeurism is extremely lucrative. And when $cience is for sale and can be purchased only a fool bets against it.
I invite you to view the 1973 movie – Soylent Green - an account of our world in 2022, wherein the “masses” survive eating a mystery food called Soylent Green, the product of unrestrained for-profit-corporations. Soylent Green is science run amuck wherein “we” become the source of the protein our government in lock step with for-profit corporations feed us.
Too far fetched for you, guess again, as “we” continue to permit unrestrained for-profit-corporations to purchase science solely for the sake of attacking others honestly attempting to alert us to one potential health danger in the plastic – BPA – so prevalent in our food chain. Like those before them, today’s merchants of profit learned from the tobacco folks attack, attack, attack the science and you can stave off the majority of the public actually becoming “aware” of the truth. And when you control the vast majority of mass communications, TV, radio, print, news papers, weekly magazines, motion picture studios and increasingly the Internet, selling your purchased science to a totally unsuspecting public is like taking candy from a baby.
Hey and besides in Arizona, the noble 90 dwarf Legislators “we” elected granted us a real cool diversion – “cage fighting” – blood sport for the masses. And this week as a bonus, they’re throwing in Sheriff Joe’s “brown” roundup, with a special guest appearance by Joe bludgeoning one of them in his jail house restraint chair.
And the topper is this is totally environmentally friendly and safe as all the participants are re-cycled.
Now that’s creative . . . !
Labels: That EPA relies on industry for scientific support isnt that like the fox guarding the hen house
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