Wastewater Mining & Re-Use . . . Hardly a day goes by without another article appearing in the local press or a national water or wastewater journal or main stream publication that does not include comment on the topic of wastewater mining & re-use. Of interest was the recently aborted sale of wastewater contemplated in the Prescott area due as reported in the Arizona Republic to a lack of interest.
Wastewater mining and re-use are terms lacking uniform definition becoming easily manipulated depending upon the goal intended. This is extremely unfortunate as in a perfect world being able to rely on a uniform definition for these terms would enhance their acceptance. In Arizona your Dept of Environmental Quality, sanctioned by your Governor Re-Elect, have chosen to bastardize these terms so their meaning follows whatever is the popular prevailing line of thinking at the moment. To further compound the confusion, this agency arbitrarily separates and defines surface vs. subsurface water and applies different terms and standards to them. Both ultimately become the source of potable (drinking) water for Arizona citizens.
Science – Government - Academia . . . Our collective choice to allow continued diffusion to how we define water does not serve our common goal of protecting our environment and protecting public health. Whether the water you consume is derived from surface water or subsurface water is totally irrelevant. The defining issue should be the “quality” and “safety” of this water, irrespective of its source of origin. Marching in lock step science, government and academia down play discount and marginalize all anecdotal data and evidence presented to refute their claims about the safety and quality of the drinking water they choose to provide. Testing protocols are systemically designed which minimize the number of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fertilizers and other inorganic compounds which they need to continuously test for in the drinking water you consume. Yes, Virginia testing for this increased number of compounds is not free. There is an on-going expense. Conversely not testing for them merely transfers that cost solely to each individual to ascertain for themselves why they are afflicted with an ever increasing number of illnesses, many of them water borne.
Developers – Citizens – PR - $$ . . . As evidenced at the recently concluded public hearing in Sedona on the proposed Bella Terra project, John and Jane Average Arizona Citizen is very much aware of the issues surround the quality and safety of their water. Not unlike the acuteness they demonstrated in the recently concluded elections to ferret out the wheat from the sheaf, much to the surprise of many political pundits. Though based solely on anecdotal evidence Arizona citizens are acutely aware of the degradation to our drinking water which ADWR – ADEQ – our Governor – and our Legislature have allowed to occur during their watch. ADWR continues to allow the hollow meaningless feel-good 100 year water supply report to be given out by the developers and real estate community to totally unsuspecting citizens. There is a finite amount of water available in Arizona. I suspect the precise amount is not clearly known. Again based solely on anecdotal evidence such as the ground subsidence in the Southeast Valley, the drying up of natural flowing springs, the decrease in the amount of snow pack and run off and the evidence of our extended drought, one might begin to question the long term viability of clinging to the politically chanted economic mantra of promoting ever increasing growth.
Today – Tomorrow – The Future . . . Might it be time for all of us to individually stop and make time to re-evaluate our relationship with nature and water specifically. Quantum physics and biophysics encourage us to re-evaluate and re-think our relationship with nature. These schools of thought have shown us a path which indicates that nature works from IN to OUT, from the center expanding outwards. Contemplating that water is more than merely H2O may well be a hurtle many currently are not able to comprehend. These same two disciplines have lead to the understanding everything in the physical universe is a form of light or energy, including man. Again, this might be extraordinarily frightening to some or cause others to rebel as it may appear in conflict with their religious proclivities. Choosing to play ostrich does not negate the validity these disciplines offer to us in understanding our role in nature. Man is a part of nature not sent here to rule over or destroy, rather to take his place as a participant in it.
Water has over the millennia been treated far more respectfully than man chooses to demonstrate today. As noted by, Steve Gamble IGPP …” when we examine some of our most distant history we find record of our ancestors referring to water as the emotion of the Earth and the consciousness of the Earth. What is the Earth and a human primarily composed of..? We are both composed of 70% -80% water.” Moreover as Steve Gamble notes … “the majority of people consider water to be no more than a liquid for quenching the thirst, bathing in and for putting out fires. In reality water is one of the most important substances in the physical reality and has same very profound properties. A water molecule has a north and a south pole and is separated by a dipole length. Water has memory and the ability to store information in the same way as a magnetic cassette records information. The science of biophysics has shown that even when they dilute a solution to D200, which is 1:10200 they can not only measure the electromagnetic frequency of the original substance introduced at this dilution, but they can also photograph the energy field of this substance too.”
Memory – Wastewater - Self Interest . . . Any personal disbelief in the evidence presented through biophysics does not discredit its validity. Our collective choices to permit unrestricted release of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fertilizers and other organic as well as inorganic compounds into our residential and commercial septic systems and municipal wastewater systems to become your drinking water appears to have very long term implications of foreboding consequences. Science, government and academia know little about the long term health affects any of these products have and will have on mankind. Reacting in the compliant robotic manner in which we have been educated and trained we meekly accept “official” proclamation that your water is safe.
Biophysics has proven that water has memory, when does mankind prove we have and act in our better self-interest..? “V’s” commentary in the movie - V for Vendetta - proclaimed a universal truism … “people should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of the people.” We should accept nothing less than 100% truth, delivered in a clear, concise and understandable manner, from any governmental official and should stand steadfast together until we get it, or immediately remove those incompetents from office.
You want answers, then DEMAND answers and don’t accept the pabulum government and media chooses to spoon feed you.
“What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself” – Abraham Lincoln
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